The First Memory

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She felt tired, as the air that held the scent of doom and blood and death tickled her pale skin that was halfway covered in blood and dirt from what had accured minutes ago.

Shining silver locks swayed with the evening breeze, they made a beautiful scenery with the orange sky if you didn't look down to the ground, where corpses of her allies and enemies lied rigid as a sign of death.

Golden eyes that once shone brighter than anything, were now dull and lacking the sense of life, averted to the dead corpses of her beloved ones that once were moving so freely and happily before all this hell happened.

She felt it, the feeling of life slowly slipping away from her deeply injured body. There were slashes and gashes and blood all over her delicate body, but they weren't the ones that pained her, no, it was the crack in her heart that made her feel indescribable pain through her whole being.

The pain of losing the people she cherished most, losing people she had claimed them as saviors when she first met them, people who she promised with her whole being to protect them, and yet ....yet they ended up the ones protecting her and giving their lives for her to complete their given mission to save humanity.

And she did just that, after beheading all of Leila's fellows, she thought that finally everything will be at peace. 

But she was by far wrong.

Her legs gave out and she collapsed on the bloody ground next to her beloved teacher, his dark pink hair shining with the glow of the setting sun. All of a sudden tears fell from her eyes like crystals at the thought of his family. How would his beloved wife react if she knew that the love of her life won't be back home.

'I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry.... I couldn't protect you and everyone else....'. Even after saying that, a part of her felt relived. Relived that she will join them soon, that she wouldn't stay alone, that she doesn't have to suffer again.

Eventually her vision began to blur as she used the last speck of strength to flip herself to the side so that she was be resting on her back. The last thing she heard and saw is her magical and mystical friends yell and scream at her to stay awake and to not leave them.

Tears running down, her last breath came out with her last words "I am sorry....".


Or, when an ex-warrior gladly gave her life on a silver platter for the cause of her beloved savior only to wake up once again, alive and well, in a completely unfamiliar place with her body looking several years younger.

✧༺✦✮✦༻∞ 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝘿𝙤𝙫𝙚 ∞༺✦✮✦༻✧Where stories live. Discover now