[Short Explanation & Information]

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So I decided to write my story in different Slenderverse ARGs. I chose Marble Hornets, TribeTwelve, EverymanHybrid, MLAndersen0 and DarkHarvest00 since those are the original big 5. Here are some short informations about me in general and about my storyline in each ARG. The picture above shows me in the stuff!


About Me:

Name: Alissa Shadow
Nicknames: Alissa, Lissa, Allie
Age-Range: 17 to 22
Date Of Birth: 27th June
Haircolour: Sandy blonde (sometimes dyed blue)
Eyecolour: Ocean Blue
Sexuality: Anything but straight
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them


Marble Hornets:

I'd be your random continuously showing character. Sooner or later Jay would possibly figure me out. I'd try and help Jay and Tim. But I also am part of ToTheArk. My masked/hidden self is called Beanie because I'd wear one. But I kinda split from TTA when I find out about Brian and Jay's deaths. I'd have my own channel called Traitors In All Of Us, short TIAOU. I'd give Tim hints but stick to TTA with defending Alex after he died. Which is where I appear fully to Tim. Jay knew me, yes, I appear meeting him before but Tim has only heard of me. I am a friend of Seth and Sarah and also the youngest of all of them. I take care of Seth's dog now and possibly live in Jessica's house which was abandoned for quite some time. After she comes back I am on the run still followed by the Operator and later get killed by Masky in Tim's house where he'd find me. I am the last to die but mainly because I hid for most of the series. If I was in the middle of everything I'd probably die right after, with or even before Jay.



I'm a friend of Milo but unknown too Noah, Kevin, etc. I'd have German parents and therefore speak German rather well (which is pretty much needed in TribeTwelve for some fucking reason?!) but I grew up in America. I lived with Milo for some time before his death. I knew about most his issues and also keep a journal. I am first mentioned to Noah under the name of "The Sentimental" by Observer. I first make an appearance 'speaking' when I send a letter to Noah along with a package. He isn't able to open though because as a child I was forced to join the Collective. I try to fight it though and am on Noah's side. Anyways, my package contains the first journal I ever had about my time in the Collective as a kid. I do have a new one because I completely had filled it and also some more in between the time. I am also slowly turning into "my future self" through the series and am possibly the only one who will actually be known to be their future self from the first appearance of it. My future self's name is "Freeze Burn" and it mainly explains how I get to my scars. I spent to much time with dry ice thanks to the Collective who tried to get me back while punishing me. Funnily enough I am in a relationship with Firebrand (his name contains fire, I froze... Come on, doesn't necessarily make sense!). We do kind of mock each other but if one gets hurt you better run from the other. I end up meeting HABIT too but I don't necessarily like him and think I can control him (which I obviously can't...). I end up almost getting killed by the Collective and no one really knows what happened to me. Since TribeTwelve was never actually ended, no one knows the end of my story.



In this one I am known as a good "friend" of Alex Koval (I actually am his girlfriend). I am introduced in "A Day In The Life". I am trying to help the boys a lot and I am staying with them rather often. After Jeff disappears I stay with my boyfriend and take care of him. I pretty much lose everyone but most times I don't care. Except from Alex. Alex is my everything. When I find out he died, I went a little insane. I for a while team up with HABIT as he promises me to somehow bring back my boyfriend. Well, he didn't and instead used me to fight Vinny, Jeff, Evan, etc. I soon am hidden by HABIT and he possess me. I try to fight him but he hurts me and sooner or later decides that I am not worth his time and kills me. In a new iteration I meet Alex again so that's something and I meet the other boys again too after they die.



Aaaah MLA0. My favourite together with EMH. Let's start with my story! I was in the mental hospital with Michael. We were kind of friends since we were there for similar reasons. He was sent their because of Slenderman, so was I. We have different disorders though. You know Michael's so here are mine: PTSD, OCD, anxiety, depression and trust issues. I came to the hospital after Michael, so I have some more severe issues because they had more time to develope. I send myself to the hospital because no one would believe me. After Michael was released, I stayed at the hospital for some time but soon was released too. I watched some of Michael's videos and then pretty much hurried to meet him. I end up meeting Patrick before Michael and I wasn't too aware of him but now we have to deal with each other. Which ends in us trying to kill each other. Luckily we have Shaun! Not for to long but we have him! He keeps us from killing each other for as long as he can. But when he dies Patrick and I decide to work together as he was important to him, Michael and therefore also me. We end up living together. And soon I meet Michael again because Patrick let's him meet me again. And I basically stay with him until the end.



I don't know much about DH00 but here I am trying to write a storyline! I'm a childhood friend of Chris who moved away to Texas years ago and studies paranormality. I stumble over the DarkHarvest00 channel and immediately recognise my childhood best friend. I decide to go back to my home as a kid. I meet up with Chris and Alex, shortly after Greg died. I go through much stuff with them. I also am able to communicate with KindVonDerRitter (Jesus, this is shitty grammar... I am German so I am allowed to say that!). I do know about most of the different symbols because of my research. My studies also make it easier for me to understand but I am very easy to scare. Chris tries to always take care of me what I kinda hate him for that because I believe I can take care of myself. But he needs to save me from the Order from time to time. Kinda needless to say we were actually crushing on each other all the time and we end up together.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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