Part 1

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Naoh's POV
3rd person pov.
______________________________^(Noah(green) Mike(yellow) and Cam(black) are the ones in the picture above)

Noah opened the lid on the lube bottle and squirted a good amount into his palms. Bawling his hands into fists, he turned to the worker on his right, outstretching his fists to him. "Could you please help me put my paw gloves on?"
The worker nodded as he slipped noah's paw gloves over his lubed up fists. The tight leather glove-things snuggly fitting the shape of his hands. Noah smiled and thanked the man before lightly skipping out the door and into the main pup area.

Five days earlier

Noah had stumbled upon this small pup gathering when he was looking for the next puppy mosh on his phone. The site seemed interesting, pictures of the building and of people having fun and talking decorated the site. But what intrigued Noah most was the title of the pup meet advertised on the site. The title read: Pet Auction, come buy your pet now!

When Noah had read that title, he knew he had to sign up for it. He had always loved the idea of being bought (consentually ofc) and this meetup was focused on exactly that! He'd be lying if he said he wasn't also just a tad bit curious how much someone would buy him for. So, of course, Noah did the acceptable thing and amediatly clicked the sign up button to be auctioned. After a BUTT load of paperwork, mostly information about him, he was done. Soon after, a message was sent to him by the site owner, saying his application was accepted.

Five days later, Noah was standing outside of the building, which supposedly held the meetup. Noah pondered whether this was a good idea or not, but after only a few seconds of thinking, he decided to just go for it. "You only live once, right? Might as well risk it!"

Noah walked up to the metal doors and knocked. A few minutes passed before the sounds of shuffling feet could be heard on the other side of the door. Slowly, one of the metal doors squeaked open and out stepped a big burly man with a full white beard. The bearded man held a clipboard in one of his hands as his eyes trailed over naoh's frame. The feeling of the man's eyes on noah's body made him uncomfortable. Switching his weight on his other foot as he stood there, looking down at his hands, which held his bag of pup gear. "Are you Noah price?" Noah's gaze amediatly flickered upward back to the man in front of him. "Ah.. yes, sir, that's me. "

The man huffed in a pleased way at noah's comment, likely the "sir" part. "Good, can I see some ID to verify this?" The man asked while writing something down on his clip board. "Yes, sir, it's right here," Noah said without hesitation as he pulled out his wallet and handed the man his ID.

The man studied the ID in his hand, flipping it over to look at the back. "Very good, alright now, come along! you're late and we've got a lot of preparation to do!" The man said as he tossed the ID back at Noah and held the metal door open. Noah nodded as he pulled his backpack onto his sholders and walked through the door.

Word count: 570

AN: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of My pups


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