Part 2

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Noah's POV
3rd person POV

The sound of the metal doors slamming shut behind noah made him yelp and jump in surprise. Instinctively grabbing onto the bearded man's arm in the process. The bearded man chuckled and patted Noah's head with one large hand. "Sorry to startle you pup now come along," the bearded man said with a nod.

As Noah trailed behind, he passed through hallway after hallway. The large lights on the ceiling flickered every few minutes, making the bright yellow wallpaper seem even more unpleasant.
As they passed one door in particular, Noah was caught off guard by a sudden bang on the other side. Frightened, noah picked up his pace, nearly slamming right into the bearded man's back in the process.

The bearded man chuckled then turned to a door on his right. "Come along, you need to fill out some paperwork."
The man said as he walked inside the room, Noah following behind. "I thought I already did the paperwork, though?" Noah asked as he looked around the room. The room was pretty basic, a grey couch, a table in the middle, and a chair on the opposite side.

The bearded man sat in the chair, Noah sat opposite of him on the couch.
"Yes, you did do most of the paperwork, but you still have to sign the safety paper's" The man said as he grabbed a stack of paper off of the table between them. "Safety papers?" Noah asked curiously, tilting his head to one side.

"Yes, safety papers," the man said as he handed the stack of papers to Noah. "This stack of papers will ensure that you have agreed to be sold and that your sellers will not be blamed for any damage too you that might happen" Noah nodded, understanding finally what the man meant.

"Okey, I understand now" Noah said with a smile as he watched the bearded man get up from his seat. "Good, so go ahead and fill those papers out" The bearded man said as he walked towards the door. "Oh, and a worker will come and get you in about 20 minutes to take you to the locker rooms" Noah thanked the man as he watched him leave the room, then turned back to the papers and started reading them.

             Current time

As Noah stepped into the hallway, (above picture is what the hallway looks like) he could hear the sound of people talking and the occasional bark or meow from a pet. Suddenly,  a person in a yellow pup mask raced by on all fours, a few seconds later another person in a black pup mask raced by barking at the previous person. Noah paused, taking in what he just saw, then he decide to follow the two playing pups.

He walked towards where the two disappeared, then as he turned a corner he was greeted by several pups playing. Noah stood their with his mouth open in amazement, his hips shaking slightly, causing his false belt loop tail to wag.

Noah was so caught up in the pups playing around him he lacked to see a tall man in a black tank top and grey sweats approach him. Noah squeaked in surprise at a hand coming down on his shoulder. "Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you, my name's Luke... yours is?"

Word count: 579

A/n: Thanks for reading chapter 2 of my pups! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you're liking the story so far please consider following! 🫣

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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