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NOV 6TH 2038

PM 03:02:04

PM 03:02:05

The Lieutenant had informed Cora all this chase had opened up his appetite. All this running wasn't good in an empty stomach.

In fact, part of taking food was more for the android that obeyed him benefit so her brain could compute and process more the past few hours.

Hank was upset, putting it mildly. But he didn't want to explode in front of the girl. Was she a machine like she liked to annoyingly remind him every freaking second? Yes. Was that emotion in her face when Connor was hit by that car? Absolutely.

Hank knew the tin can wouldn't admit it. It had quickly reverted to the asshole 2 he met.

Hank parked his vehicle outside a single food truck, not saying anything to Cora as he walked out.

But that was better for Cora anyway, considering it kept running diagnosis over diagnosis as to why its systems had seemed to freeze and static played when it's partner's current body had been destroyed.

There was no logical reason for that to happen. Connor was simply another machine who was going to be replaced by another Connor model. Sure, it'd have its memories and it'd be like he never left but still... Why Cora's biocomponents seized in discomfort at that thought?

The car door being slammed shut made Cora's eyes blink, LED flickering yellow slightly before going back to blue, looking toward the Lieutenant who yelled at a car that almost hit him while crossing the street, lips twitching slightly.

The status breach appeared in the corner of its eye.


At least it wasn't hostile, Cora thought briefly. After debating for a moment, it's program reminded Cora to keep a better relationship with the Lieutenant.

And that meant reconcile with him after its partner and her own behavior from previous events.

It hesitated slightly even as the prompt flashed urgently in its HUD. Connor was the one to do a flawless conversation, Cora would simply add here and there her voice. Connor was the one, always to initiate the conversation.

For some odd reason, a small warning appeared on the other side of its HUD with a double digit number... Her stress levels were raising.


^Software Instability

Cora took an unnecessary deep breath, having sensed the way some biocomponents were warming up, using its fans to cool them off, climbing off the car, ignoring the still light patter of rain soaking again it's now dry hair.

As Cora closed gently the door, she ran another scan coming up empty with fully operational systems. There was no longer discomfort nor its biocomponents were warming up and stress levels were non existent. Odd.

It walked toward the Lieutenant, seeing the way he was greeted happily by the truck owner and some other man, deducing he may be a regular customer, Cora's head tilted aside as she watched the interaction, standing behind the Lieutenant.

Cora's eyes locked into the man the Lieutenant was talking with, scanning his face out of curiosity.


Born: 01/05/2005 // Unemployed
Criminal Record: Illegal gambling

Why was the Lieutenant engaging conversation with a criminal? Isn't his job to stop him from continuing his bad habits?

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