Partners? ((CHAPTER TWO))

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After you killed that devil for Makima, you two headed inside of the restaurant.

' ' So, (Y/N), what would you like to eat? ' ' She asked.

' ' I'll have.. Uhm.. ' ' (Y/N) couldn't decide what to get. ' ' Miss Makima, how about you chose for me? I'm really indecisive.. ' '

' ' Very well. You'll get the.. Sushi, same as me. ' ' Makima responded.

' ' What's sushi? ' ' (Y/N) asked.

' ' Seriously? You don't know? ' ' She let out a grin. ' ' You'll find out soon enough. ' '

Minutes later, your food arriver. It looked like fish wrapper in something green with rice.

' ' It smells.. ' '

' ' It smells like what? ' '

' ' Never mind. ' ' (Y/N) said with a slight smile.

As (Y/N) said that, he stabbed it with a pair of chopsticks, and ate it.

Makima was smiling, eager to know what he thinks of it.

(Y/N) swallowed it, and waited for a few seconds to say it's good.

' ' So, you like it? That's nice to hear. ' ' She had said.

She then used the chopsticks properly to eat her own food.

(Y/N) couldn't help but stare at her, admiring her. He realized that she's really beautiful, and he came to a blush.

' ' You're blushing.. At what? ' '

' ' Oh, it's just.. ' ' He'd pause. ' ' What type of guys do you like? ' '

' ' The type of guys that I like.. People like this guy, (Y/N). ' '

She smiled.

' ' People like.. Me? Doesn't that mean.. ' ' He began to ask.

' ' Oh, look at the time! We need to get going, (Y/N). ' '

' ' Oh, yeah.. Let's go. ' '

It took them nearly to hours to arrive at their destination, and when they did arrive, (Y/N) was awestruck.

' ' This place is big.. ' ' He said to himself.

Inside, she gave him their basic uniform, which is just a suit and tie.

' ' Okay, (Y/N). Let's introduce you to your partners. ' '

' ' Partners..? ' '

Suddenly, a tall, black haired man and a blonde teenager walked in.

' ' Sup? ' ' The blond one said.

' ' Hello, Makima. ' ' The black haired one said.

' ' (Y/N), meet your new partners. ' '

' ' I'm Denji, nice to 'meetcha! ' '

' ' I'm Aki. ' '

' ' Yeah, don't mind Aki. He's pretty weird. ' ' Denji had said.

' ' Watch your mouth before I kill you. ' ' Aki responded.

' ' Please, like you'd do anything! ' '

Seconds later, Makima stopped their bickering and informed them of a devil they needed to kill.

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