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Being in love is such a beautiful and amazing thing when you're with the right person Jordan thought as he looked at his girlfriend Raya. She was the best thing that happened to him. She was there for him during his hardest time although it might sound cliche.

They first started out as best friends  before they started dating but that's  a story for another time. Jordan continued to look at Raya with eyes of adoration as he listened to her explain this new show she was watching. He looked down at their hands intertwined and couldn't help the smile that started to make its way on his face .

Raya caught him smiling and couldn't help but grab his face with both her hands. She then  turned his head to face hers. She then looked him in his eyes smiling "why do I find everything you do so endearing" she said then  proceeded to kiss him on his lips so ever gently it was a short yet sweet kiss between the two it was one of the many they had since they started dating.

Raya then snuggled into Jordan's chest and held his hands with hers gently caressing his hand she then asked "what show do you want to watch you came here to have a  movie night after all?" That night they had spent it  having a movie marathon in the comfort of Raya's bed even though it took a while to find a show they both wanted to watch.

A couple  days after….

Jordan was  waiting  for Raya  outside her class building. While waiting he  suddenly got a phone call he had just ended the phone call when he felt a pair of  hands sneak
around his waist so slily  he didn't even realize it. It was too late when he discovered the hands placed around his waist he slowly turned his head to look behind him and when he did he was met with the most cheeky smile plastered on his girlfriend's face.

When he saw her smile he started to grin from ear to ear he then gave her a hug holding her by her waist asking her how her classes were  he then led her to his car as they got in he asked if she wanted to grab some food before he dropped her home.

"Yes I barely got a chance to eat this morning cause I was running late for my biology class " said Raya

"You should have told me you hadn't eaten since the day I would have gotten your food on my way "said Jordan looking at his girlfriend with disapproving eyes Raya laughed at her boyfriend's expression "ok I'll tell you next time" she said

"That's better,'' said Jordan.

Jordan started driving out of the parking lot as he did this  a smile started to creep up on Raya's face which Jordan didn't notice as he was focused on driving.

What did I do to deserve you? thought Raya

"Where do you want to eat?" asked Jordan

"let's go get some taco bell" Raya said
"ok"said Jordan .

They had made their way to Taco  Bell's drive-thru and ordered their usual meal off the menu.

After paying and collecting their food  Jordan drove to Raya's  house. Raya had gotten out of the  car after Jordan parked the car to bring the food inside  her apartment.

Jordan had followed behind her with the rest of the food as they got inside Raya laid all the food on the kitchen counter and went to her bedroom to change Jordan went to the kitchen's  sink to watch is hands and started to dig into the  food just  as he started to eat  Raya came out of her room.

Jordan looked up at her and his face was filled  with distress.

"I was looking for this hoodie this morning for hours and you had it all along'' said Jordan.

Raya walked up to him in his favorite dark blue hoodie, her chocolate dark brown skin complimenting it so well  with it almost  like it was made for her and she was also wearing his sweatpants that he left at her apartment. She also  had her braids up in a bun .

she went up and hugged him and said
"It's a very nice hoodie, you should definitely let me keep it'' she said looking into his eyes" you already took it for yourself so just keep it "Jordan said Raya  gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you "she said  " I'll take very good care of it" she said smiling "ok I'll hold you to what you said let's eat now" said Jordan.

After finishing  dinner both of them went to the couch in Raya's living room and laid into each other's embrace  before Jordan had to leave to go back to his  college dorms.

"Call me when you reach the dorms,'' said  Raya. She then kisses him wishing goodbye at the ground  floor of her apartment complex.

As she was going back to her apartment room she wondered how she managed to date someone so caring and compassionate like Jordan.

As she reached back into her apartment room she looked her lockscreen.Which was a photo of them together

The photo  was from when they had gone to the beach together for a date. It felt so surreal at the time when she won against him in a race  that day she laughed.

" I had finally gotten to prove that I  was actually a very good runner to him that day, '' she said to herself. After a bit of reminiscing she started to work on her assignment that was due soon she kept patiently looking at the time hoping to get a call from Jordan and she did. 

"I got home safely "says Jordan

" That's good get some rest you have a track meet tomorrow don't you" says Raya

"I do" says Jordan in a jokingly tone
"Don't stay up too late" said  Jordan

"I won't" said Raya
"You promise,"said Jordan, not fully believing that she would.

"I promise, " Raya says. I'll try to she says in her head.

" Good night love" said Jordan

"Good night I love you" said Raya

She hung up the call and fell back in her study chair and grinned to herself. "Let's get back to work" she said firmly  to herself and continued working until midnight before going to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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