| Against Every Odd |

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| Against Every Odd |

Urban Novel | All Rights Reserved | V | 2022

Author : V | Cover : _tolerated & V

PSA: "Now keep in mind that I'm an artist and I'm sensitive about my shit," - Erykah Badu


| Overview |

When two troubled past collide, you will either get a new beginning or a new world of chaos. Benjiman Cartier Gotti & Layton Iman Westbrooks take the world they once knew & the cards they'd been dealt, and try their hand at creating a new world together. Both with a past full of trauma, trials, and tribulations that they've tried to keep away from the other, will they succeed? The two try their best at growing from their past to make a better life for their futures, but at what cost? Will the two ever just get to be together without constraint? Against every odd, will they get to just live in pure happiness without their dark past getting in the way?

Book 2 of 2.


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