AEO | HBD | 3

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AEO | HBD | 3

"It's just a little something to show you that I love you, I miss you, and to makeup for your birthday. So .. happy birthday."
- Layton Iman Westbrooks

Friday | January 15

It was a beautiful Friday morning when Layton landed in the MIA, home of her favorite man in the world

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It was a beautiful Friday morning when Layton landed in the MIA, home of her favorite man in the world. She had taken off from work for the weekend, and planned a small surprise trip out to see BG. After speaking with her good friend Lira, Lay realized just how one sided it had become in terms of her relationship. So in effort of putting in more effort, she'd flew out to surprise Benji.

Upon landing and claiming her luggage Layton booked herself an Uber from the airport over to his place. With help from Jada, she was able to get his address without him being suspicious about it. Jada had already let her know that BG would be accompanying her today, so he would definitely be surprised to come home to see Lay.

After the nearly thirty minute drive from the airport to his place, they finally pulled out front. The Uber driver unloaded her suitcase and proceeded on his way. With her bags in hand, Layton headed inside of the very tall building to be greeted by a suited man at the desk. She smiled as she headed for the man, hoping that he gave her the access up to Benji's place without any troubles.

"Good Evening ma'am, are you visiting someone?" The doorman asked as his eyes shifted over to her luggage.

Layton nodded. "Hi. Yes actually. Benjiman Gotti."

At the sound of his name, the doorman's face turned in to one of polite regret. "Oh, our valued resident. Well I regret to inform you ... unfortunately Mr.Gotti has very strict request when it comes to guest. He does not have anyone listed to grant access, so I can not let you up. If you'd like to have him give us a call or visit though, we can have your name added in a matter of seconds Ms." He said, but then trailed off as he waited for her name.

"Layton. Layton Gotti." She smiled and proceeded with a gesture of propping her chin up with her hand with a purpose of flashing her diamond cut promise ring. She wore it on her ring finger occasionally which happened to be a quite convenient choice of placement for today.

The doorman's face held a shocked expression. "Oh, he is married? I had no idea of such. My apologies ma'am, but the restrictions on his residency was quite strict for guests. Would you like me to give him a call to confirm your entry? I can do so right now." He continued on.

Layton sighed. "I'm not a guest and I assure you that it would not be a problem for you to allow me up. So how about you just let me up and as soon as he gets back he will add me to the list for next time." Layton retorted.

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