AEO | Parental Scares | 7

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AEO | Parental Scares |  7

"Are you pregnant?"
- Benjiman Cartier Gotti

Friday | February 19

"I think that Chinese gave me food poisoning," Layton complained as she hurled her guts out into the toilet. It was her last day of clinical for the week and she spent a great portion of it inside of a bathroom stall. For lunch today, Savy & Layton had ordered some takeout from a local Chinese restaurant.. only for it to make Layton ill.

Savy smirked, "Orrrrr yo ass is just pregnant." She said comically, assuming that Layton's sudden sickness had absolutely nothing to do with what they had just eaten. After all, Savannah felt fine after her hefty buffet plate, so that led Savy to believe it was something way bigger than a simple food poisoning .. like a baby girl or boy.

"Savy please, ain't nobody pregnant." Layton denied. It wasn't even possible in her opinion, so she just quickly dismissed the chances of that being true altogether. In Layton's opinion there was no chance, but there was at most a tiny ounce of doubt in her birth control lately.

"But you could be." Savy persisted in a sing-song voice.

"But I'm not." Layton retorted again sternly, flushing a full plate of Chinese down the toilet and exciting out of the stall. Savy sat along the countertop, as she'd waited to make sure her friend and rotation buddy was okay.

"But you could be." Savy continued.

Layton frowned at her. "Whose side are you even on?"

"The baby of course." Savy grinned, as she reached out to touch Layton's very flat stomach. Layton quickly got out of reach from her hands, going over to the sink way at the other end .. furthest away out from Savy's reach.

Layton sucked her teeth, washing her hands in the sink as she dismissed her friend's wild allegations. "There is no baby, so please relax. I am not pregnant Savannah." She said, seeming as if she was telling it to herself than to Savy. It caused Savy to tilt her head right, curiously.

"You don't sound too sure Lay."

"But I am. Can you give me a minute?" Layton asked, a bit annoyed with the accusations about a baby that was non-existent. Even with Layton being most sure that it wasn't a baby growing inside of her, with Savannah all in her ear it made her feel just a bit of uncertainty still.

Savy nodded as she hopped down from her spot on the counter. "Sure, baby momma. I'll wait for you outside." Layton rolled her eyes, obviously not here for Savy and her jokes today. Usually she loved Savy and her bubbly personality, but not when it involved her or pregnancy.

Layton stood in the mirror as she stared at herself for a moment. She turned her body to the side and lifted her scrub top to reveal her bare stomach. It was as flat as it had always been, no sign of a baby forming inside. The mention of a baby had her spooked, even if she was the most sure about her body and her last sexual relations. At only twenty two, she was not at all ready for a baby. She wanted to start her career first and be established, which would come in a few years. Layton wasn't ready.

"Girl, you are not pregnant." Layton mumbled aloud as she pulled her shirt back down. After one last glance in the mirror, she returned back to her rotations. She felt fine for the remainder of the day, but the minute that it struck five o'clock, she hurried to sign out and left. Her first stop afterwards was the nearest Walgreens, where she'd purchased a total of five pregnancy test. Next she called up Lira and they met at her house to see results.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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