Chapter 3: Aba-Made Shoes

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"What's wrong with her?" I scoffed to Hasana as we walked back to class. We were taking our time to get there so we could talk more. There was a lot of greenery and the buildings all seemed to have this modern cemented looked.

"Don't mind her. It's one of those relationships where she's obsessed with him more than he is her." She leaned closer to whisper. "I don't even think Bello likes her at all."

"Why would you say that? Aren't you guys friends?" I whispered back.

"I've said this to her, she just doesn't care. Friends by circumstance not choice." She pulled me to the side to properly whisper. "Najma is obsessed with him for many reasons, he is good looking, has good magic, pretty popular and the intimacy is just too good." My mouth fell open almost instantly at what she was implying. "Close your mouth, flies will enter. She says it herself all the time at hostel."

"Intimacy?" Like... I know it happens but how bold do you have to be to do it at THIS boarding school of all places.

"Come on Afua, wisen up!" She tapped me lightly on my arm. "This guy has a quirk that increases strength AND durability, he is too powerful in the bedroom. Najma's magic allows her to turn invisible and it's just so convenient for Bello to get his fix." Get his fix? Maybe my mother raised me too well because what exactly are these sixteen year olds up to?

We continued walking back to class and I was still trying to process all this new information. "That's crazy, honestly." Strength and Durability? What does that even mean?

"The boys here aren't worth it honestly Afua." Hasana advised. When we got to class a different teacher was in the front getting ready to start the lesson. "I'll see you." She said waving, as we went to our separate seats.

Naturally, I couldn't look at Bello the same so I did my best to focus on the lesson. It was Maths and the teacher Mr. Salisu wasn't as good as Mr. Balogun. He gave short explanations and was boring. He kept yelling at us to stop talking and when he got tired he gave us class work. It was longgggg and confusing. Needless to say, Maths's isn't my best subject.

"Do you need help?" Bello had asked, he looked like he was done. He put his elbow on the table and rested his cheek on his arm.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you." I said as I turned back to my book. He put his head back on the table in his signature style and stayed like that while I struggled to answer the remaining question.

When the time was up, Mr Salisu went to the board to write down the answers. "Switch with the person next to you to mark your work." He instructed and my heart dropped. Bello was going to mark my book. After I refused his help. After I pretended to know what I was doing and struggled. He is going to see all those stupid answers and mistakes and how many times I crossed out my answer. Jesus.

When we were done we handed our books back to each other. Bello had gotten 20/20. He was good at math. When I opened my book to check what I got? 6/20. I could not physically hide my cringe. I recoiled away from the book as if it had burned me. Seeing my expression Bello laughed.

"It's not funny." I sulked. "Don't laugh." At this he started laughing harder.

"Sorry-Sorry" he tried for breaths. "You just have the funniest expression. It's okay to ask for help you know."

Bello was nice but he was annoying.

The rest of the day passed by quickly. We had more classes and during second break Hasana showed me around. Tomorrow in the morning we have magic exercises. I was looking forward to that. Bello had given me the rest of his books and Hasana helped carry it back to hostel. When we got there Hasana had somehow convinced our matron to switch my bed with someone else in her room because we were in the same year. She said it would help me acclimatize and study better since I was new to magic. It worked and she helped me unpack all my clothes and put them in the wardrobe. Our room was a two bunk bed room. The people who owned the other two bunks had not come back yet. After we finished unpacking my stuff and changing the bedsheets, we decided to take a nap before it was time for dinner. When we awoke, we freshened up and Hasana teleported us for dinner. This time I was honestly craving some egusi and pounded yam so Hasana and I both got that. The dinner options were far more limited than the lunch option but the food was still great.

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