He Had No Idea

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She was on Grade 4.

He was on Grade 4.

Yes, they're classmates.

She was the second shortest among all the girls and he was on the boys.

Being the one with the shortest height that time, they stand both at the head of the line every flag ceremony and whenever teachers told them to line up.

They sat near to each other and often be seatmates during classes.

She was the shy-type.

He was shy but is one of the cream of the top.

She got two or three close friends, others were just her classmates.

He got five or seven close friends, their classmates were his friends.

She was favored by one or two of their teachers because of her kindness and cute shyness.

He was favored by almost all of the teachers because of his ideal intelligence that could outrun the firstlead of the top.

She was somehow uncomfortable talking to him.

He was smiling whenever she talks to her—that's how he also treated their other classmates.

She thinks him as a model student.

He thinks her as a new friend.

She listened to him quietly when he tells her stories.

He tells her amazing stories that he knew she would like.

She was on Grade 5.

He was on Grade 5.

They were on different class. Have different rooms, different line up, and different classmates.

She thought they were separated because of the difference between their grades.

He wondered why she's not his classmate.

She can't sing.

He sang very well but rarely.

She heard he joined the music club.

He performed well on his club.

She finds him whenever she passes through his classroom.

He sees her on her seat, silently doing something.

She wanted to be his classmate again so she studied very hard.

He just did what he can during exams.

She became friends with few of her classmates.

He's the same Mr. Friendly.

She cooperated well during class competitions for she knew it could help her with her grades.

He obeyed what the teachers told him during class competitions.

She was on Grade 6.

He was on Grade 6.

Still, they're on different class.

She showed potentials of one of the cream of the top.

He was still on the top, maintaining his standing.

She was told by their adviser to run as a representative of their class for student council.

He refused to be a candidate.

She took all of her courage to stand and speak with him as part of the class when the room-to-room campaign began.

He sat on his seat listening intently to what she was saying.

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