682: I would probably give him clothes he'd feel comfortable in, 079 doesn't like wearing dresses.
Scarlet King: I taught you well
079: 682 on the other hand, hm..I wouldn't mind seeing his huge a$$ in a tight skirt ;)
682: w-wha-!? 079!!! Why would you say that-!!?
Me: oooo~
Scarlet King: well then- that was interesting
Q+A and dares with scps
Randomcan ask/dare: 106 (old man) 096 (shy guy) 049 (plague doctor) 049-j (plague fellow) 035 (possesive mask) 079 (old A.I) 682 (hard to destroy reptile) 999 (tickle monster) 073 (cain) 076 (abel) 343 (God)