I am running out of ideas so it would be helpful to comment for ideas for the generators
Number of letters In your First Name:
1. Dark (dont you dare comment this)
2. Duck (no. dont. you dare.)
3. Morning
4. Patch
5. Dapple
6. Blizzard
7. Dawn
8. Rowan
9. One
10. Feather
more or none. Gray
Number of letters in your Last Name:
1. Stone (noone has this)
2. Storm (just wanted to put this up to be funny)
3. Heart
4. Leaf
5. Berry
6. Light
7. Cloud
8. Pool
9. Pelt
10. Pounce
more or none. Foot
I got Dawnleaf! Please comment your name In the comments!
and vote on it to if you want.