Part 33

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Rosé takes down Soyeon. Soyeon lying down on the floor. Rosé's face is on top of Soyeon's face. Rosé's right fist hand 👊🏻 is up to punch Soyeon face.

Rosé: This is for you trapped and slept with my husband. (Punches her)

Rosé raises her left fist hand 👊🏻 and said "This is for when you called me bitch!" Continues punching her.

Soyeon coughs with blood from her mouth and being weak. Rosé stand up and saw Jungkook with tired face. Rosé smiling when she saw all of them are safe.

Both Jungkook and Rosé coming to hug each other but Chanyeol take out his knife 🔪 and wanted to stabbing Jungkook from behind. Suddenly Jaehyun comes in and shoots Chanyeol.

They all were shocked. Where is Jaehyun come from? How did he knew about them being here?

Jennie coming from the door and said "Sorry guys. I called Jaehyun if you guys need help. And it works."

Jaehyun is smiling at Jungkook while Jungkook is still staring at Jaehyun.

Jaehyun: It's okay if you don't want to say thank you 🙂

Jungkook hugs Jaehyun. First, Jaehyun doesn't know how to react it but he hugged Jungkook back.

Jungkook: Thank you.

Jaehyun: My pleasure. Please take care of Rosé.

Rosé coming to them and hugging Jungkook. Then, she hugs Jaehyun and says "Thank you, Jaehyun."

Jimin: Jungkook, thank you for saving me earlier. I owe you. Please take care of my sister. I won't disturb you two.

All of them are safe and injured. Chanyeol is dead because of the shot. All they need is a rest.


The next day

They're all going to Jeju Island to get rest and enjoying themselves.

Jungkook: Enjoying the scenery?

Rosé: Yeah. It's like coming back from the dark world. (She giggles) My brother Jimin is trusting you to protect me. You are really did what my dad asked.

Jungkook: Well, all my passion started from you. You're always be my passion to start my life. I love you.

Rosé: I love you too.

They're kissing while at their back Jimin and Jennie saying "Guys, let's go take a picture together!"

Jungkook and Rosé are coming to them and smiling when they take a selca.

~The End~

P/s: Hey guys! This is the ending of this story 'Mafia's Passion'. I wanted to make a short story but ended up being the long chapters 😂 So, thank you so much for reading. I'm sorry if this story kinda boring and suck but I hope you guys enjoy and chill. I've a lot of story coming soon. Stay tune 😘

A/N: If you guys interested with the story, you can follow me on Pinterest @ scarlett__quinn
(Double underscore). There are so many book cover that I edited there including the book story that I didn't make it out on wattpad.

 There are so many book cover that I edited there including the book story that I didn't make it out on wattpad

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Mafia's Passion | RosekookWhere stories live. Discover now