Chapter 3

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Warning: There are some explicit allusions to sex at the end of this chapter. If you are offended easily, please skip the end of this chapter. 

 "Alright, we're here.", exclaimed Kay as she princess-carried Darjeeling into her house at Saunders. Setting Darjeeling down on the couch, Kay felt her phone vibrate inside her pocket. Reaching into her tanker's jacket, Kay noticed several texts from Naomi telling her to come to the strategy meeting that was taking place.

"Make yourself at home, Darjy.", said Kay as she slung her bag over her shoulder. "I have a strategy meeting to go to. While I'm gone, feel free to watch some TV or do whatever you want. Be back in an hour.", added Kay as she handed Darjeeling the remote to the flatscreen TV in the other end of the room.

Darjeeling shifted her casted leg onto some pillows that were lying on the couch as she grabbed the remote with her left hand. The pain in her ankle and elbow was unbearable as she flicked through the various movies, documentaries, and shows on Kay's Netflix. It also didn't help that Kay had forgotten Darjeeling's prescription at St. Gloriana, which meant going the next three months without anything to ease the pain.

While shifting around in the couch, trying to find a comfortable position, Darjeeling noticed a large pillow beside her. Grabbing the pillow to cushion her arm, she noticed that her figure was imprinted on this pillow. The Darjeeling on the body pillow was wearing a black, strapless swimsuit that left very little to the imagination and was lying in a provocative pose.

"What the...", thought Darjeeling as she rested her plastered arm on the pillow. Darjeeling knew that Kay liked her, but out of all the times she visited Kay at Saunders, she had never seen such a body pillow before. After the initial moment of surprise and amusement wore off, Darjeeling realized that Kay probably was attached to her more than previously thought. After all, they went to different schools and could only meet when their ships were in the same port or during holidays. Naturally, Kay would keep some souvenir of Darjeeling, but this body pillow was just plain comical. Darjeeling hoped Kay wouldn't mind her using the body pillow as she thought about how awkward such a situation could become.

Just as Darjeeling was examining the body pillow, she saw Kay, holding a bag with several burgers inside, open the door. Instinctively, she tried to hide the body pillow, but with only one good arm, she was not able to do it in time.

"Hey Darjy, I'm back. I brought burgers.", cheerfully exclaimed Kay as she placed the paper bag onto a table in front of the sofa. "How are you feeling, babe?"

"Not well. My leg's killing me, and I can't even read a book with only one hand. Plus, I look like a cyclops with that eyepatch.", replied Darjeeling as she attempted to hide Kay's body pillow under her casted leg.

"It's alright, I feel ya. That eyepatch makes you look badass though. Also, you're getting it off in a week." replied Kay as she gave Darjeeling a hard pat on the back. Darjeeling flinched from the impact, almost exposing the body pillow hidden underneath her. "Want a burger? I figured you'd be hungry. Plus, you can eat them with one hand.", added Kay, handing Darjeeling a burger.

The burger was surprisingly delicious, as the patty was not overcooked like Darjeeling had expected. Additionally, the tomatoes and lettuce sandwiched between the patty and the buns were not soggy, which was another plus. However, the whole affair was extremely greasy, and after just a few bites, Darjeeling realized that there were oil stains all over her jacket. She knew that the food at Saunders was excessively greasy, but she never realized that the food was that greasy. She glanced over at Kay, who had eaten a burger in only a few bites and was now wolfing down a second. It wasn't elegant, but it sure was fun to watch Kay devour burgers in only a few bites. Deep inside, Darjeeling was grateful that Kay bought something that she could eat with one hand.

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