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any lore conflicting parts will either be explained, or you just ignore it.


"one single tattoo is going to change my life in two weeks." ren sighed, munching on a crispy red apple, looking across the school table at luca and sonny. "how dumb is that... i know it's an important part of life but.. what happens if i meet them soon? what will happen with kyo?"

"well, it's not like it'll change your life straight away." luca shook his head slightly. "you probably won't meet them the next day."

"mmh, and kyo's just going to find his soulmate too, another day, he won't be hurt. it's fate."

ren sighed again at sonny's words, lowering his head while stretching his neck to the side, careful to not let his horns get in the way of the others. he and kyo had been dating for a couple months by then. their relationship always confused ren, sometimes he saw kyo and his relationship more like brothers with the way they acted together, they hadn't even kissed. but he would never want to hurt him, they're too dear to each other. they've been each others support way before they even dated.

"didn't you meet your soulmate the day you turned 18, luca?" ren asked.

"technically i knew him before then.. but i did bump into him the day of my 18th."

"well, hopefully that doesn't happen to me." ren shrugged, lifting his head. "for kyo's sake."

"and what about yours?" ren raised an eyebrow at luca's remark, tilting his head sideways. "what about for your sake, ren?"

ren was silent. he hadn't thought about his own place in this situation, only kyo's. kyo was the only thing that mattered right now. "it's just for his sake." he bit into the apple again, sitting up straight and eyeing around the room to see if kyo was coming. luca and sonny didn't speak anymore about it, they knew how ren felt about kyo, and they couldn't do anything for him.

"so, anyway.. ren, luca and shu are coming over to mine tonight, want to come over with kyo? it's just for a break from school, i know we all need it." sonny said.

"sorry," ren groaned. "i know it's supposed to be a break but, i need to study tonight. ive got a japanese test tomorrow and i swear, all those second years who've merged into our class think they're all so smart.. im barely in the middle of the class because of them."

sonny nodded, sighing in disappointment. "i hate how second years can do that.. just makes us look dumb." he shrugged.

"yeah, dumb ass second years.."


aster was sitting in the library for an hour now, his japanese books sprawled across the desks as he studied for his test tomorrow. he knew he would pass, he was easily at the top of his class even amongst the third years, but his father was insisting him to try and get minimum 95% on his test. he would rather be sitting with his friends, eating and talking, but he had to study. not for himself, for his father, for the future. no one else knew, he was to take over the role of the high celestial. but he wanted to create art, or music, or anything creative. he picked his classes for him, and aster unfortunately had to oblige.

the boy sighed as he stared at the words on his page 'i went to the movies with my best friend tabitha, we saw a comedy together, it was at 6 o'clock'. lazily scribbling the japanese translation onto his page, aster found himself slowly closing his eyes. lower, lower, half way. he could barely see how lazy his handwriting was. suddenly, he jolted awake to the sound of a loud squeal then giggle coming from across the library. looking over, he saw a couple sitting together on a beanbag chair, the male quietly shushing the female as he pulled her closer, both smiling and embracing. aster wasn't bothered, only annoyed at the noise. as the male reached over to her hand, aster could see his soulmate tattoo on the back of his hand. he wondered if they were soulmates.

the girl intertwined her hand with his, and from there, aster could see his thoughts were correct. they had matching tattoos on the back of their hands, presumably with each others names.

aster didn't think of soulmates that often. he wasn't ever going to have one of his own, afterall. he just happened to be the only race in the entire universe to not receive a soulmate. he, as well as some of his friends, are going to be 18 next year. until then, he was going to try and ignore the thought that he, a future almighty celestial, will never get a soulmate. but every so often, seeing soulmate couples together, he couldn't help but frown, thinking of how lonely he is in this universe.

soulmates were always closer together than everyone realizes, which is why there are so many couples when they become third years, and in some rare cases, even younger. within legalities. if they weren't then fate makes them come together. it's how the universe works. you couldn't escape it even if you tried, fate made sure that you felt loved by your soulmate at least once, even if you try to escape. that's why most celestial's go without a partner most of their life, plus there isn't even that many celestials in the universe.

aster shook his head, looking back to his japanese work and going to the next question. he quietly groaned to himself. it wasn't hard for him, just annoying.


the next morning, aster and ren both attended their japanese test on time. the time had started, and all students flipped open their test books, scribbling down answers in english and japanese, translating over and over. aster went through it at a decent pace, thankfully he had studied almost the exact topics they were tested on, his eyebrows lightly furrowed together as he focused, legs lightly swinging. ren, however, was stuck on the second question. he thought he had studied enough. eventually, he got through it, he wasn't confident with his answers, but he got through it.

by the end, aster had finished his test early and had double checked it with 5 minutes left. he found himself starring out into space, letting his mind and eyes wonder around. he found himself looking at the same guy from the library the previous day. his tattoo was on full display as he wrote.

'it mustn't be lonely with that tattoo.' aster thought to himself. 'their fate has been written since the day they were born just like me, yet they've never known exactly what it was, unlike me.'

he'll never get a soulmate is what he thought, but in reality, the universe had other plans for aster. and the person who will help the universe's change to his fate was sitting in front of him, struggling to translate the word that will bind them together, soulmates.

celestial. ✎ renster [nijisanji]Where stories live. Discover now