Chapter 2-Family Battles

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Meg's P.O.V

Currently, me and Jack were sat waiting in the park for Sam and Ellie to come back from the shops to buy us some chocolate. Me and Jack both knew they wouldn't go to the shops and even if they did they would be kissing and not buying us chocolate.
"Should we just go to the shops for ourselves?" Jack asked me, you could see the slight disappointment held in his eyes. Me, Sam and Jack were really close, we were raised like siblings; 'Never forgot one another, never let anyone come between us'. That is our motto; well you could say was now thanks to the new Item.
"Come on Jack, let's go, they aren't going to be coming back soon." I sighed, walking in the direction of the shop making sure to go a different way to what I knew Sam and Ellie would go so we could avoid any awkward discussion for later.

After Jack dancing down the road, shouting out random words which had no relevance to each other, we made it to the shops. I made sure to distance myself from Jack a bit, because I didn't want to catch any of his weirdness. I rounded the corner to find Sam and Ellie kissing, practically eating each other's faces off. Does this girl even have any decency?
"Umm, Jack you wanna head to the pub and find them while I go to the shops?" I asked Jack, I really didn't want him seeing this; his brother basically broke our motto, within the space of 10 seconds. No wonder they think they are perfect for each other, they both have no respect for themselves or others? Scoffing to myself, I walk past them making sure to cough loudly, causing them to bang heads. Ha! That's Karma bitch! Sometimes I really love my conscious, others not so much.

"That will be £2.50 please miss." The till worker informed me while handing me the goodies I bought for Jack (and a little something for me obviously) over the counter.
"Thanks have a nice day." I replied, and everyone thinks I'm always rude. Have that society! I really need to stop having battles with myself. Walking out of the shop I check my phone to find a message from Jack,
Sam's in mood with us, send help.
Guess that's my cue to go and save Jack...once again.

Jack's P.O.V

After sending Meg a text, I leaned back into the sofas at the top end of the pub, trying to make myself as small as possible. I really hate it when Sam goes all brotherly on me, that's why I texted Meg, she always has my back no matter who or what the situation is. Just like a sister I never had. And once again my inner self was right.
"Jack! Pay attention, I'm talking to you." Oops, must have zoned out there, I really must stop doing that; I could cause some serious trouble someday...

"JACK!" Sam shouted at me. Arg, why did her have to always be around Ellie, Meg was a nice girl.
"Yes Sam, I am listening you know, why can't you wait till Meg gets here, at least you get to spend some more time sucking faces with Ellie" Of course, I send the last part to myself, as I wouldn't want to be in bigger trouble.
"Don't fret people; da queen is in the house!" Meg shouting through the pub, gaining some weird glances from the people who weren't normally here during the day. While the regulars just shook their heads, trying not to be dazed by Meg's new outburst. As she finds us at the back, the once calm and careful look was replaced with a cold, heartless smirk. Directed at Sam and Ellie, glad I'm on Meg's good side.
"Well well well, what do we have here? Lover 1 and lover 2." Meg asked Sam, still holding that smirk that never fails.
"Drop the attitude Meg, it doesn't work with me, I've known you too long." Sam smirked back, trying to push Meg's buttons.
"Don't even start with me Sam, ever since this chick turned up, you've been constantly lying to Jack, your own brother, I can understand lying to me, but your own brother? Or does the motto we have no stand anymore? Now that you've broken it, nothing matters? You don't even have to treat Family right? Really Sam, is that it, cause if it is tell me right now!" Meg was now shouting in Sam's face, if this was a cartoon, they would be enough stream coming out their ears to power steam trains for a while.
"Guys, I think you should step back and just talk this out like family." I said, trying to hid the panic event in my voice, but failing, my normal voice coming out as little cracks and squeaks.
"Jack shut up, this isn't anything to do with you, I won't talk this out like family cause this girl right here, is nothing to me" Sam spat the words in Meg's face, looking her up and down like she was a piece of gum on the bottom of a shoe. Mine and Ellie's faces were just pure shock, I don't think Ellie realised how close we were, but what Sam said really caught everyone off guard. Meg's face dropped ever so slightly, but she composed herself just as quick; a once heart of gold and love, turned to stone and hate within the space of a minute.
"Never talk to your brother like that, show some respect, he deserves it." And with that she turned on her heal and walked out, her head still high in the air. She wouldn't let anyone boss her around, Ever.

The Meg we all once love and knew was gone

Replaced by a cold-hearted Bitch

All this cause by one mistake

One problem

One girl...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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