Chapter 1-Queen Of Sarcasm

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" know I don't like that type of music, come on let me play mine." Sam was currently annoying me and trying to get me to admit that his type of music is reasonable but I wasnt budging. I'm one of those people who when they have an idea they will stick to it no matter what anyone's says, therefore being one of the reasons why I don't have many friends.

"Come on Meg, at least listen to one song I listen to your all the time." One of the reasons why me and Sam become best friends was that because we are both strong opinionated and both stand our ground.

"Yeah, but I'm the youngest so you have to listen to moi. And I could whoop your ass anyday." The reason I could 'whoop his as' was due to the fact that I play rugby, and I know what your thinking "Girls don't play rugby, they go shopping with their friends and wear heaps of make-up" we'll sorry to disappoint you, but one I don't take lightly to sexism and two I am not that sort of girl. Another reason for my lack of friends.



"Do you want to come and meet Ellie with me?" Arg, Sam is so obsessive over Ellie, he always talked about her and it was so annoying even his brother Jack thought so. We even planned to set them up if they didn't make a move on their own.

"Umm...yeah why not." I said trying too sound polite and hopefully it worked.

"Great then, shall we get going?" Wow Sam really believed me, I should become the Queen Of Sarcasm I think? He actually thought I wanted to go and see his soon-to-be girlfriend. The main reason why I don't like her is because when I first met her she was a totally girly girl but as soon as Sam came and asked ME, not her, if I wanted to go to the pub she just blurted in saying in her (very annoying) girly voice that she would love to. And then we played 20 questions and she found out that Sam liked heavy metal music she then convinced him(not me by anyway what so ever) that she loved that sort of music which was a totally lie as you always talked about 1Direction and the Wanted. Both me and Jack(Sam's younger brother) could tell that she was lying but we both went along with it anyways.

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