2 | What the heck ?

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Y/n povs

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Y/n povs

Unfamiliar scent ran through my nose, i opened my eyes and takes a look around.

"What the heck?" Everything in this bedroom is different, like literally

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"What the heck?" Everything in this bedroom is different, like literally. Where the heck am i? am i dreaming? i mean the bed, the walls, floor, all the stuffs here is not mine.

Plus i get a really bad headaches now, right after waking up seriously ? and my whole body is aching.

Wait.. did i get kidnapped? please don't tell me that, brother is going to get mad at me so much. But its okay i can fight them, yeah i can do that.

I get up from my bed and walk to the table to get some information where the heck am i, i was stunned, confused, shooked like mixed feelings fills me up when i saw the reflection in the mirror.

"What the heck" i brought up my hands to met the mirror, i was so surprised that it goes along "Oh my god, i- is that me? am in someone else body ?!" the realization hits, my eyes grew bigger i was too shooketh to speak.

But wait..

Wait.. i think i have met this person before, but where?

Omg i can't believe this, no no no i must be dreaming. If i am inside this man body, then what about my real body? is it dead? or could it be the person am in? or did i get reincarnate? but why i still can remember things from my past life ? Omg seriously what the heck is going on ?!

I just woke up, cmon please this be a dream.

And so i pinched my cheeks to check if i was really in a dream, and sadly i am not.

How is this thing possible ? swapping body? wait no no i think just swapped soul.. AAA im going to lose my mind, this is freaking me out.


The doors creaked opened, revealing a tall figure with fluffy hair. My eyes instantly went wide, please don't i need some time alone to process what just happened after discover this horrifying news. But looking on tha bright side, i have tons of questions and i need someone to answer them, i guess he is the right person to asked.

"Zeyu? when did you wake up?" the guy in all black outfit asked. I am confused as to why he stop for answers.

"Hello? are you there? you must be confused since you just wake up" he continued looking at my direction.

Hm guess, the person i am inside named Zeyu huh? should i answer his question? maybe i should. Just to avoid any suspicion, he shouldn't know that this Zeyu guy is no longer the Zeyu he knew, and was actually a girl. It would be really weird tho.

"Uh.. what happened? and oh yeah i just woke up" he walked towards the double bunk bed where i slept and sat on it.

"You and another girl got struck by lightning, but luckily both of you survived. Got serious injuries though but the weird thing is she didn't go to hospital, a tall guy with all black suit who claimed themselves to be her bodyguards saved you and her, then bring her together with them.. i don't know where, i didn't see them in hospital.."

Ouh yeahh, i remember now that girl must have been me.

"Also you were in a coma for one week" he stated while taking a bite on the peanut butter and jam sandwich in his popping veiny hand.

Hearing that, i got more terrified.

Damn. i think it is true indeed, me and this Zeyu guy must have swapped body. I am scared now, what would happened if he woked up? what is his reaction going to be? what would he do? and most importantly.. how are we going to swapped to our old body back ?

At the same moment..

Zeyu povs

"WAARGH" i screamed as reality hit me.

I am in someone else body, and it is the girl i met under the bus stop, i may sound calmed but i AM NOT.

What the heck now, this girl got a really cool bedroom tho. But i still couldn't believe it. This must be a dream, but i already did the reality check..

I wonder what about the girl? could it be, we have accidentally swapped our body there? whew i couldn't imagine something else.

"Uh boobies.." i took a glanced of it, as my hand accidentaly made in touch with it, noticing how my cheecks turnt crimson in the mirror.

"No no no i shouldn't do this.. this is wrong" i moved my focused onto something else, and it is a phone on the sidebed table.

I quickly get there, and turned on the phone. Swipe up to unlocked it but it has a password, i used the thumb of this owner of the body and luckily unlocked the phone.

Finally found her name on the settings side "Li Y/n.." i mumbled.

Hm pretty cute name, hence i started to stalked about her more.

Finish the 2nd chapterr, theres a lot of question to unveiled here its kinda boring i admit, am sorry. hoping the next chapter going to be more interesting ? hehe :)

body swapped ; y. zeyuWhere stories live. Discover now