3 | Second hand embarassment

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Y/n povs

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Y/n povs

Its been about one week since i chosed to continued living in this man body, for one week straight i was forced to stay in the bed only since i was still in a bad condition.

When i get the chance, i will start looking for answers.

So yep i just continued my life in someone else body, and lets not talk about how i showers, its horrible i swear.

I knew everything about this guy already since Xinlong the roommate of this Zeyu guy already told me.

He is one of the member from a c-pop group called Boystory, who studies in a public school theres 6 of them. Surprisingly hes the same age as me i don't know he looked younger than he is.

Hm i wonder what this guy think when he knew that this innocent looking girl is actually a mafia. Hoping he won't report about it to the police tho.

If he did, i would not let him go that easily.

"Zeyu-ge, what are you doing staring in the mirror? lets go we have to practice for our comeback" Shuyang spoked out of nowhere.

I just silently nod my head and follows this short kid to their dance practice room.

I just silently nod my head and follows this short kid to their dance practice room

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"Woah." i breath out, both eyes scanning the room.  With other 4 member busy practicing not caring about our presence.

Shuyang chuckles to my reaction "After that incident, you've keep acting weird ge, are you sure you're okay?"

"Y- yeah i am sure" dummy, i should stop being so surprised with everying, i looked like i have been living under the rock.

Shuyang greets them, and start talking with each other while the loud songs just kept on going, after a second my feet start to vibe to it, the song is catchy. i loike it, its good.

"we'll we'll we'll we'll~" i sang along with the song.

"Zeyu-ge come on, lets start" Shuyang called me, i walked towards them, Xinlong tells me where is my position.

As im on my knees on the center, and everyone in their position the same song starts playing again.

Everyone starts moving along to the song, leaving me there all confused. Hanyu stop the song and they all look at me.

I can feel my cheeks heating up as their stares burning into me. Gosh this is so embarassing, i- don't know what to dance, i never danced in my life. This is not fairrr, someone please send help.

"Have you forgotten the moves?" Hanyu questioned folding his arm as i stood on my feet and looked down on the cold floor. I nod my head.

"Then why don't you tell us about it earlier?" He turn his gaze at Xinlong "Xinlong go help him, lets practice on our own first" Hanyu commanded as the the leader of the group.

I let out a sigh of relief, phew glad they don't get mad, i would probably just killed them if they did.

As everyone start practicing again on their own, Xinlong take a sip on his drink and turned his gazed on me.

"Guess that accident did such a great job on damaging your brain huh?" i just nod again to his words slowly.

"Well then lets start" he walked infront of the mirror, i followed him.

"Follow me this is your part, you are lucky i still remember your moves or else" i followed his movement, his move are sharp and so good, i gotta admit it he looked kinda cool when he danced.

But before that we make sure to stretched, warm up our limb first.

The whole time he teaches me, i caught up everything easily what a great teacher he is.

After some time learning and practicing the dance again and again, i finally get everything.

But it was so tiring, its like how i practiced martial arts.

After finish i take a sit beside Xinlong, wiping away my sweats and chugged down on the water bottle, he did the same thing.

As all of us regained our energy, we started to practiced together again.

I finally was able to move along with them, at first i am so bad at it cause they were just so good. But after that i get it, i am still learning how to be syncing with them and repairing my always wrong moves.

This is actually pretty fun tho, i never thought dancing could be this fun, i had so much joy today at the very the beginning everything is difficult and embarassing then it starts getting better and exhausting.

I wonder what would we be doing more after this.

The title for this chapter described what am i feeling right now :>

anyways hows the story going? i hope its good tho, its been so long since i last write so i couldn't make the writing looked better :)

but i will try my best to improved, wish me good luck :D

i was having my trial exam, so sorry for not updating _||

body swapped ; y. zeyuWhere stories live. Discover now