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The moment Sakura opened her eyes she knew something was wrong. It wasn't that she was no longer in her body and had flimsy limbs. Nor was it the fact that she was staring at the starry wall that had long been painted over and destroyed. No, in fact she had expected that much. It was the fact that she could not see from her left eye. She could only lay there in shock at her predicament before smiling in relief.

'We're lucky the scroll took only half of your sight.' Murmured Inner her voice echoes inside her mind.'Although I can't say I'm doing to good....'

Sakura nodded at Inner's words. She could also feel a major headache coming up. She deduced it was a side effect of the scroll. She was rather relieved that it hadn't taken her hearing or her ability to mold charka. It was essential for a ninja after all. That would've most likely stopped her from becoming a ninja, so taking her sight wasn't the worst of the requirements. Plus she would use this as an advantage and have a legit reason for working with charka sensing in public.

'So watch'a gonna do now that your mimicking Kakashi-Sensei?' Asked Inner as she faded away in her mind.

Before she had any chance to reply her bedroom door swung open revealing a tall lanky man with spiked dark pink hair and a mustache. Sakura felt herself crying as she recognized him as her father, Kizashi Haruno. The man who she had failed to save.

"Ne, Mebuki, Sakura-chan is up!"He yelled as he walked to her crib and picked her up and held her closely to his chest.

Sakura absorbed the feeling of being held so closely by her father she almost cried out in panic, only to realize that she was being placed in high chair to be fed. She would've cursed herself for not being aware of her surroundings, but at that moment she saw her mother sitting in front of her passing her father the sugar as she laughed softly at her fathers pathetic pun.

This last time she had seen them like this was two days before the villages had gone to war against Madara.

'Inner.... we're going to save them.'


Sakura sighed loudly as she was placed in her crib once more as she grabbed her milk which was given to her as she thought on passed events. She wasn't really sure what day she returned to past on, but she most certainly knew how many days she had spent here. She also discovered her age, which turned out to be one.

It was odd to get her diapers changed from the perspective of a child. It was also a very embarrassing experience, but she lived. Everything she was used to doing independently she could no longer do alone. Which for a Shinobi like her was really jittery if not down right pride breaking. But still being a baby once more had its perks. Like say she could pull on her fathers mustache if he said another bad joke or how she could get away with simple stuff that would've gotten her in trouble as a toddler even.

But still Sakura enjoyed her time as a child as time went by. She savored the little things which wouldn't really be remembered by many but treasured by her. She also decided to show her parents little by little that she could walk. That plan itself took two months worth of stretching each morning as much as she could to harden her flabby baby muscles a bit. But it was enough to help her start crawling and then walking. She started slowly because she would rather not cause suspicion. Her parents had been rather surprised at her adaption at age one plus with her bad eye sight, but decided that she was just a fast learner and it was better for her to adapt fast. Down side was that they monitored her walking around the house and still did not allowing her to walk upstairs.

Soon a year had come to pass and she was two. That year she began to slowly mimic their words. Soon enough she speaking better than your average four year old. Other then that one event Sakura stayed on the low radar opting not to do any physical training until the academy. What she would train in was here charka control and sensing charka.

To help herself in that she would do simple stuff that looked like mold as much charka into her arms and legs as she could, since her charka points weren't fully open yet. She also practiced the simple leaf exercise until she was tired. She wasn't stupid enough to try to dry herself out of charka because as a baby that would be more then life threatening.

Other then that Sakura enjoyed her life as a baby. Her mama and papa loved her dearly and seemed to worry about her greatly. The only annoying thing about them was how careful they where around her. She understood how they didn't want her right eye to forever be damaged like her left, but never letting her out the house was maddening. The only natural sunlight she ever got was out of the living rooms window, which really wasn't much.

Still Sakura hoped she would be allowed to go outside, if only for a small period of time. The hope came true three years later on her fifth birthday. By then she was able to completely harness her charka and sensing charka had become easier for her. Her parents had taken her to the hospital like they always had. Eyes covered in a bandana and being held in her fathers arms. Once they reached the hospital they were greeted by the nurses who were used to seeing her parents for her monthly check ups. Then they were led upstairs into a check up room. She remembered being startled when Doctor Fushira injected her with a sleeping shot. She woke up later to find herself in her mother's lap. Soon they explained to her that she was now allowed to go outside, but only while wearing the contacts and putting specialized shades on.

But those little rules didn't matter. She was going to see the sun! Well a much darker shade of sun along with everything else. Also only from one eye, but who cared. She was getting freedom she hadn't gotten for over six years.

Sakura grinned largely as her parents trailed behind her sharing nervous glances as Sakura slipped out the hospital into the outside world wondering how her past world looked like now.


Sorry for the big delay on updating this story. The Wifi has been crazy and writing this story wasn't easy. I have to admit I enjoyed writing the story myself, so if you enjoyed reading it give it a vote and comment if you'd like.

Playingbomboxs out

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