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-14 years ago-

Ember's POV

I heard screams and blaster fire. I ran downstairs. "Mommy!" I called out. "Daddy!" I called. "Emmy!" My mother called running towards me. She wrapped her arms around me. "Where's Daddy?" I asked. "Daddy's is going to sleep for a while." My mother said hugging me tighter. She gasped as her grip loosened on me. I looked up as she fell back. A red liquid seeped into her clothing. I looked up and saw a man standing there. My uncle shot him and scooped me up. "Lets get you out of here." He said. I nodded and hid my face in his chest.

We escaped into his ship and flew to Tatooine. "Why did those men come to hurt mommy and daddy?" I asked. "Because I told them to. If you betray me like they did you'll meet the same fate as them." My Uncle Unicur said. I looked up at him with fear in my eyes. "Clean up the house!" He shouted at me. I nodded and cleaned the house.

A/N: Okay I know really short Prologue BUT I just really want to write the first chapter. May the Force be with you ~Faith ♥

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