Being a Parent is Hard

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  The baby was crying. Again. It was currently 4 am, and Ponk and Sam had gotten almost no sleep since bringing the baby home last month.
  "I'm coming, Felicity," Ponk groaned.
  "No, it's my turn," Sam said tiredly. Ponk complied, and Sam went to their daughter's room, and turned on the Disney lamp.

  The little baby was desperately crying in her crib when Sam picked her up and carried her over to the rocking chair, slowly rocking her.
  "Shh, shh, daddy's here," Sam said softly to his former niece.

  Sam's sister had given birth to Felicity at fifteen, and deemed that she was too young to care for her, so she gave her to Sam, for him and Ponk to adopt. Sam and Ponk happily took in the little baby, thinking that parenting couldn't possibly be that hard. Right? Wrong.

  Sam held the baby close, cooing sweet nothings to her until she finally drifted off to sleep. Sam slowly got up and put the baby back into her crib, and sat back down in the chair, to make sure that Felicity didn't get fussy again. Sam sat in that chair for the rest of the night, eventually fallng asleep himself.
  Ponk's POV
Sam should be back by now, Ponk thought to himself. Little did he know, Sam had fallen asleep in his daughter's room. Ponk figured the latter, and he got up. He went over to Felicity's room, to see the two sleeping, Sam in the rocker, and Felicity in her crib. It was an adorable sight, and Ponk snapped a quick photo that he would cherish forever. They really are adorable. I'm glad I have them for my own. Ponk remarked.

  He turned off the lamp and softly closed the door. Ponk went back over his and Sam's shared room, and fell onto the bed, tired from the events of the night, recharging for whatever tomorrow held.

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