Chapter 102: Another Year!

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On this day, the Shuo wind blew up the dead leaves, and the fierce north wind made the whole heaven and earth look very lonely.

Liang Han and Zhang Qingzhu sent Liang Wenqing off outside the South City Gate. In the end, Liang Wenqing still chose to go to Lin'an City and leave all this first.

Liang Han looked at Liang Wenqing, knowing that no amount of comfort would be of much use. Reaching out and patting his shoulder, "I want to open up, go to Lin'an City, and take care of myself."

Liang Wenqing nodded his head, "Well, I will take care of myself."

Zhang Qingzhu stepped forward and comforted him: "Don't think about it so much, some things can always pass." Take care of yourself, if Lin'an City is not used to it, write back a little and let the family pick you up.

Liang Wenqing sniffed his nose, "Thank you Brother Xiaozhu."

After saying goodbye to them, Liang Wenqing got on the donkey cart and waved goodbye to Liang Han and Zhang Qingzhu. Looking at the road ahead, this time go to Lin'an City with the eldest brother. When he comes back, he'll be married.

The heart hurts, but there's nothing you can do.

Zhang Qingzhu stood next to Liang Han, looked at Liang Wenqing who was far away, and sighed deeply: "I still prefer the result of having a lover finally becoming a family."

Liang Han hugged him, looked in the direction they left, and said, "It's just a lost love, and his life can't talk about the results." When he met the right person, this sad and sad feeling was just a plain memory.

Zhang Qingzhu hopes that this is the result: "Wenqing has such a good personality, I hope that he can meet a suitable person in the future, cherish his people for him, and make him happy." "It will."

Winter in the Northland comes fast and fierce.

This morning, Liang Han was woken up by the biological clock. When I got up to get dressed, I shivered.

"How can it be so cold all of a sudden?"

Quickly putting on the cotton coat, Liang Han looked at the small tangyuan sleeping between them. I saw that I slept very peacefully, but I still checked to see if he had peed.

Seeing that the diapers were still dry, Liang Han smiled and said, "Today is good, no bedwetting."

Liang Han came to the outside room lightly, and as soon as he opened the door, the cold wind came to his face. He looked at the snowflakes flying outside: "It turned out to be snowing." But the

snow didn't fall much, like salt particles, and it seemed that it hadn't been long since it had fallen, and there wasn't much snow on the ground. Liang Han rubbed his hands: "Today I have to burn the floor heating." Because I think that children freeze a little, it is good to practice more and be able to freeze, and it is good for the body. Therefore, Liang Han did not burn the floor heating early. But now it's snowing, so it's time to enjoy it.

After breakfast was ready, Liang Han first went to pat the door of the small stone: "Little stone, the rice is ready." Hurry up.

After a while, a sleepy voice came from inside the little stone: "Oh, Daddy, let me sleep a little longer." Just for a moment.

"Don't sleep, you have to go to school." Liang Han continued, "It's snowing today, so you can't come up and take a look." "It's snowing?" Xiao Shi listened and sobered up a lot, "Under the big no? "It's raining a lot now, and it's snowing heavily." Hurry up and wear that thick cotton coat.

When Zhang Qingzhu got up, he felt that the house seemed to be warm. When he saw Liang Han come in, he asked him, "Have you burned the Earth Dragon?"

"Well, burned. It was snowing outside. Seeing that Xiao Tangyuan was awake, Liang Han teased him, "Oh oh, Xiao Tangyuan got up." Today is really good, no bedwetting.

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