Part 2

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Warning: Domestic Abuse

-In The Morning-

Curtis awoke to a start when he heard pounding on his bedroom door. He rolled over, rubbing his eyes in confusion. Looking up, he saw that it was still dark out, his clock reading 5:00 AM. So why was he woken up at this hour?

"Curtis? What the hell are you doing?" He heard Jerry yell.

Shit. Breakfast. Curtis jumped out of bed, running to his closet.

"I-I'm getting ready! Wait one second, please!" Curtis said in response.

After quickly brushing his teeth and making sure his hair was fashionably crazy, he grabbed his regular white shirt and black sleeveless-jacket-thingy... It was too early to remember what it was called, and a pair of his famous pinstriped pants, putting it all on. He grabbed a random dark purple tie before unlocking the door and almost running into the doctor.

"What took you so long?" Jerry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"N-Nothing, I was just..." Curtis didn't know how to finish.

Jerry laughed, ruffling Curtis' hair. He thought Curtis looked cute, standing at the doorway, flustered and out of breath while gripping a "manly" purple tie in one hand. Looking down at it, Jerry sweetly took it from his soft hand.

"Want some help with that~?" He asked, grinning.

Letting out a quiet laugh, Curtis nodded. Jerry lovingly wrapped the tie around the collar of his shirt. He slowly and carefully tied it, brushing Curtis' neck with his thumb a few times to make him shiver. Once it was tied, Jerry grabbed the base of the purple fabric, pulling Curtis in and kissing him roughly. Now this was the Jarry that Curtis was in love with. The cute, passionate, killing machine known as Doctor SawBones. Breaking the kiss, Jerry watched as Curtis practically sprinted down the stairs. After making omelets and bacon, and setting down the plates, Curtis called for Jerry. Breakfast went regularly, Jerry talking about work, a friend, or about how Curtis got too much bacon again and was getting fat, while Curtis just played with his food, nodding along.

"And it's not like I don't know what I'm doing. He really just needs to worry about the patient, and not about me. That bastard has killed more than I have and he's never even trying to." Jerry said, taking a bite of omelet.

Curtis nodded, not really caring or paying attention.

"Yeah, maybe he could be your partner in crime." Curtis joked lightly, smiling.

Jerry just shook his head.

"No, you are."

Curtis' smile dropped.

"I-I know, just kidding..." Curtis said, eating more bacon.

"Well you aren't good at it."

Curtis bit his lip, he thought his jokes were funny... He knew it was better not to argue though. After breakfast, Jerry left for work, leaving Curtis to be alone for hours. He was currently dozing off on the couch when he heard a knock on his door. Getting up sleepily, he opened the door to see Erik.

"Erik? What are you doing here?" Curtis asked.

Erik waved, smiling.

"Well "hello" to you too, Curtis. I just wanted to drop by. Something told me that you'd be awake since Jerry went to work." Erik replied.

Curtis shrugged, trying not to look into what Erik had said.

"Well come in then. You... Want some coffee or something?" Curtis asked, opening the door. "We have bacon left."

"Since when is there ever bacon left?" Erik said, laughing.

"Early Christmas miracle I guess..."

Erik sat down on the couch, Curtis sitting down too.

"So... What you wanna do?"

"I don't know, anything? I'm still so tired..." Curtis mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

How did Erik and Jerry get up at such an early hour? Maybe Jerry was right, he was just lazy...

"Good lord, did you make that big breakfast?" Erik asked, gesturing to all the food that was left.

"Yeah, it took a bit to do by myself though. It was good." Curtis answered, yawning.

"What the hell are you, and what have you done with Curtis?" Erik asked, not believing that Curtis would get up early and make breakfast for his boyfriend.

"S-Shut up, jerk." Curtis said, waving a hand.

"You totally did it for your bae..."

"Oh god, don't say bae, I will stab you!

"Curtis has a bae~! Curtis has a bae~!" Erik sang, poking Curtis.

"Stop et! Let's go... Do some killing or something." Curtis suggested, bored and wanting to change the conversation.

"Fine, just don't kill everyone like last time." Erik said, laughing and getting up.

-After A Regular Kill-

Erik and Curtis had been messing around for a while and Curtis had completely forgotten the time. He was so scared, he almost asked Erik if he could stay the night with him like old times. Curtis was sprinting home now, but he knew it was already too late. He opened the door, closing it and knowing he would be in trouble. Jerry, of course, was waiting. Curtis was surprised when instead of being hit, Jerry wrapped his arms lovingly around Curtis.

"Curtis! I was so worried! I... I thought you left me!" Jerry said, holding Curtis.

Oh, another one of these nights... Every month or so, the guilt would get to Jerry and he would be super nice to Curtis, guilt tripping him into staying with him.

"No, I would never do that! I-I love you, Jerry." Curtis said, grateful to be getting a hug instead of a beating.

But Curtis thought too soon, because Jerry's grip became rough, and his words harsh.

"Where the hell were you, then?!" Jerry's hands were suddenly wrapped around Curtis' throat.

Curtis' back hit the wall as he choked and tried to breath.

"I-... I was..." He tried to speak. Jerry let loose just enough, "With E-Erik."

"Your cheating on me, aren't you!?" Jerry yelled, assuming the worst.

"N-No! I would nev-" Curtis was cut off when Jerry roughly slapped him.

He yelped, holding his burning cheek. Tears instantly began to swell up in his eyes, ready to slip at any second.

"Don't lie to me, whore! I know that you and him have been seeing each other! You spend more time with him than with me!" Jerry continued to yell, having Curtis cornered.

"I-I swear I d-didn't!" Curtis said, cowering.

This was one of those rare moments where Curtis wished they had neighbors. He felt so simple and small, wanting to curl up into a ball as Jerry cursed and hit him. No matter what Jerry said, Curtis would deny it. It wasn't true! He wasn't cheating on Jerry, why wouldn't he listen?! He felt the tickle of pain when Jerry grabbed his arm and pulled him off from the wall.

"I don't want to see you for the rest of the night!" Jerry yelled, shoving Curtis to the direction of the stairs.

Curtis tried to tell himself that every cloud has a silver lining as he sobbed and made his way to the steps. He suddenly felt something and ducked just in time. A vase smashed into the wall above him, the glass falling on him and the floor. He quickly crawled to the stairs, stumbling up them as he held back more sobs. The tears continued as he shut and locked his door. He curled up into a ball on his bed, his cheek still burning. He could feel that his arm was already bruising, rubbing the tender spot. He hoped by tomorrow, Jerry would forgive him like he always would.

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