is this my new life

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Nene emu and tsukasa is going to eat on a cafe

nene: hey emu and tsukasa what do you guys want so i can order
emu: i want ice cream
nene: i said that is your dessert im worried for you
emu:um idk wait fries
nene: eh fair enough
emu: and i dont want ice cream i want taiyaki with ice cream on it
nene: hmmm never try it but ok
tsukasa: i want some ill have some lasagna
nene: woah ok ill have chicken alfredo
tsukasa: i want some soda candy
nene: you do love rui
tsukasa: wah
emu; ohh i want milkshake
nene: ok

emu: tsukasa look a seat
tsukasa: oh ok
nene: oh thank you
nene: guys i have the food
tsukasa: yes
emu: yes wondahoi
nene: emu here is your fries
tsukasa: here is your lasagna
nene:tsukasa look its rui
tsukasa: where
*nene takes a piece of lasagna*
tsukasa: nene
nene: hehehe sorry
tsukasa: its fine
*while eating they're chatting and nene noiced rui and mizuki*
nene: tsukasa look its rui
tsukasa: nop not gonna fall for it
nene: no really he is with mizuki
tsukasa: what
nene: look 
tsukasa: ok
*they see rui and mizuki eating spaghetti and drinking milkshake at the same cup*
nene: you ok
tsukasa: yeah
nene: just tell me if your not ok
tsukasa: ok
*after they done eating they went outside while buying taikayi they see rui and mizuki kissing*
emu: tsukasa eat they ice cream will melt
tsukasa: you can have it  i lost my hunger
emu: you sure
tsukasa: yes
emu: ok
nene: wanna go to rui
tsukasa: take this on vid
nene: umm ok
tsukasa: hey rui
NENE:oh shit
rui: why did you do that
tsukasa: pick me or mizuki
rui: umm 
mizuki: babe you know you not gonna  leave me right
rui: mizuki she is my star not you you dumb ass star

* its a day dream *
rui: tsukasa tsukasa earth to tsukasa
tsukasa: huh
rui:your taiyaki ice cream melted
tsukasa: oh
rui: yeah 

*at night after they perform*
rui: wanna come over  to my  house 
tsukasa: sure
emu: nene gonna sleepover to my house
nene: yeah bye guys
*at rui house they play some games at 9 pm mizuki comes over and mizuki makes tsukasa jealous*

mizuki: hey rui come here
rui: yeah
mizuki: kiss me
rui: huh
mizuki: come on
rui: ok
*they kissed but mizuki makes it to a french kiss tsukasa is getting jealous when they done a string of saliva was hanging*

rui: um
tsukasa: um rui i need to go now
rui: huh
*tsukasa run off and went to emu's huse*
mizuki: dont chase him your only mine
*rui didnt answer*
tsukasa: emu can you open the door
emu: hmm oh tsukasa wait
tsukasa: can i sleep here pls
emu: of course why you look sad
tsukasa: ill tell you and nene
nene: tsukasa wat happen
tsukasa:me and rui was playing and mizuki comes in and mizuki makes me feel jealous and she kissed rui on the lips
nene: shhh its ok dont worry now where almost adult we should be studying but first genshin
emu: yes i have qiqi cause she looks cute
tsukasa: aether
nene: candace
*after playing for an hour they play doors and they sleep*

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