valentine to my self & presentation

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Tsukasa: good morning guys
emu: hello tsukasa
nene: its 1 pm
tsukasa: what 
emu;yeh  we sleep at 6 am
tsukasa: welp does anyone wanna go to mall
nene: we have school
emu: oh no
tsukasa: no there isnt 
nene: why 
nene: ooh
emu: i want to buy nene chan some chocolate
nene: you just gonna eat it
emu: no
nene: ok
tsukasa: lets go
*at mall*
tsukasa: ima buy some plushie of us
nene: ok ima go with emu
tsukasa: ok
*after tsukasa  get some plushie nd getting out of the store*
mizuki: here rui i bought you some chocolate
rui: aww thx
mizuki: here
rui: here too mizuki
*tsukasa ran as fast until she bumped to emu and nene*
tsukasa: um guys i should go home now
emu: why i need to go
nene: were gonna go now can we come to your house
tsukasa: ok
emu: ok les gooooooo
saki: happy valentine
ichika: happy valentines too
saki: oh tukasa your here
tsukasa: hi saki hi ichika
emu and nene: hey hi nene  hi ichika 
tsukasa: guys um i see rui with mizuki
emu: why
nene: ok um tsukasa i think you should move on
emu: yeah tsukasa were here to support you
nene: yeah and we should go now cause we have school tommorow 
tsukasa: ok bye
*tsukasa see his knife *
tsukasa: well a little scratch wouldn't  hurt right
*tsukasa slash himself*
tsukasa: i need to hide this
*at school*
tsukasa: hey nene
nene: hey tsukasa
rui: hello fufu
*tsukasa runs off*
rui: um bye fufu
tsukasa: dont worry tsukasa you have the same class you can survive this
rui: hey fufu
tsukasa: just ignored him ok tsukasa
rui: why are you ignoring me
ena: hey tsukasa do you have the presentation
tsukasa: yeah
ena: ok
rui: oh yeah the presentation
mizuki: rui do you have the presentation
rui: yeah
mizuki: ok
*at lunch time*
tsukasa: emu nene im gonna eat at the sekai world wanna come
emu: yes
nene: ok
rui: can i come
tsukasa: why you need to come do you have a date to your lovely girlfriend mizuki the one you love  not me
emu: uh tsukasa
nene: lets go emu to sekai
tsukasa: ok lets go
rui: wait
*they went to sekai without rui*
miku: hmmmmmmmm
kaito: oh look its emu nene and tsukasa
tsukasa: hello
emu& nene : hello miku hello kaito
kaito: hello where is rui
emu: well
nene: um tsukasa and rui go into a argument
miku: oh
kaito: wanna have lunch with us
tsukasa: ok
emu: yay
nene: mm
*after the lunch and they say goodbye to miku and kaito*
rui: oh hey tsukasa can i talk to you for a sec
*tsukasa just walk off*
rui: tsukasa
emu: hey nene im gonna go to my classroom now
nene: ok
rui: hey nene
nene: im sorry rui but you messed up
Rui: nene wait
mizuki: already gonna go babe
rui: i need to talk with tsukasa
mizuki: fine go talk to dumb tsukasa
*rui ran and find tsukasa*
tsukasa: bye guys im gonna go to my room
emu&nene: ok bye tsukasa
rui: tsukasa
*tsukasa didnt look at rui*
tsukasa: look im sorry rui but i  dont want to talk to you
rui: pls just listen to me
tsukasa: no you broke my heart you go to mizuki you dont even like her she is forcing you to hang to you and be love again
rui: i know im sorry
tsukasa: no leave me
rui: pls just listen to me
tsukasa: shut up i dont want to see your face anymore
rui:  im sorry
*tsukasa leave and go to the room*

im kinda turning it to rui angst im sorry but i will try to make tsukasa angst

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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