Pt 26

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Ari woke up a tad bit earlier than she normally would. She sat up in bed stretching getting her brain alert enough to where she could function before she stumbled out the room being quiet as she could going to the Coffee maker switching it into the Frappuccino mode making a peppermint mocha Frappuccino for herself craving the combination of the flavors. Ari took her very favourite mug pouring it into her cup putting the lid over it sipping out her straw grabbing the morning news paper not caring about anything else except the pet section. Opening the mail box she peeked in seeing there was mail so grabbed the mail browsing through it separating it one by one. Ari then sat on the couch sipping on her coffee while turning the tv on to cartoons making sure that volume wasn't too loud that it would wake Mark.

Mark groaned with rolling over sensing his beautiful girl wasn't there so he got up stumbling around peeking out seeing Ari on the couch in a ball watching her favorite cartoon sipping on her coffee enjoying herself. Ari felt Mark looking at her so she peeked over waving with a smile greeting him with a good morning. Mark laughed softly walking over to his girlfriend pecking her also saying good morning to her. "So baby girl you left me alone but I see you're enjoying your cartoons with coffee. Is it good?" Ari smiled softly nodding offering her coffee up to him for Mark to take a sip giving her the ultimate hand gesture of approval. Ari looked up at Mark laughing happily pulling him in for a kiss ignoring them morning breath being a little cutie like always. Mark got up leaving Ari to be the little ball of cuteness she was so he could also get awaken with a cup of coffee. Ari looked over at Mark sipping her coffee with her little sweater paws holding onto it making room for Mark to join her if he chose.

Mark had his cup of coffee sitting beside Ari pulling her close into his arms hugging her body close making her his own snuggle buddy which Ari enjoyed it with all the fibres of her body.  Mark looked over at Ari seeing she was staring up at him being soft and adorable so he leaned down kissing her gently being passionate enjoying her company. "Hi my lovely queen how are you this morning?" Ari squealed loosing her braincells as that morning voice he had drove her crazy every time.  "I-I'm good my love I'm just kind of under the influence of your love. Which isn't bad because I absolutely adore you baby. How about you?" Mark chuckled softly pecking Ari again playing around with her hands putting their coffee down on the table in front of them kissing her softly enjoying her touches. " I'm good I've got all I want right here in my arms with me. You're all I could've hoped and wished for. I want you gorgeous forever to be mine." Ari started crying hugging Mark tightly getting clingy laying her head on his shoulder getting lost in his embrace. "Me too baby. Me too." During this emotional moment the two got pulled closer towards one another in a sensational bonding moment.  The two of them stayed close to each other adoring, admiring and cherishing each other being lost in each other's arms. Mark's phone rang and it happened to be Minho wanting to talk to him so Ari got up going into the bedroom knowing she needed to take her vitamins so she allowed the guys to have privacy.

Ari peeked out seeing Mark look over at her with a smile as she closed the door laying down taking a nap being tired these past few days. While she was laying down that gave Mark the opportunity to talk freely but using code so Ari wouldn't understand a thing. "Hey Minho how's it going? Are you ready for the Diamond this weekend?" Minho being so eager and excited that he answered in a girly voice. " Oh hell yeah Mark I'm so ready to hear Ari say yes to being yours. I'm so excited but when do you want to plan this?" Mark thought for a second thinking things through with the details. "Mm I don't know maybe this Sunday at noon? A nice fancy restaurant then pop the big one? I'll text you all the details of things once I figure things out accordingly." Taemin took the phone from Minho to speak to Mark for a second. "Hey Mark maybe try Red Lobster and see how it goes. But I can definitely show up and distract Ari while you plan the things you want at the table?" Mark thought about it agreeing to the suggestion going to a floral shop's website ordering a bouquet of flowers so they'd be ready for Sunday. "Alrighty sounds good see you guys at noon!" Mark hung up the phone checking the doors, windows and things making sure the house was secure before going into the bedroom laying down in bed beside Ari his soon to be wife hugging her tightly cuddling with her as he caressed her cheek softly.

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