Chapter 13

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Antecedently dinner at the Choi's Mark thanked them for all they could do for him. Heading home his phone rang from Jonghyun which puzzled him so he answered the phone while driving. "Oh Hey Hyung, what's up? What's going on? I'm driving home from Minho's place so if I get distracted I'm sorry in advance." Jonghyun sighed softly needing to talk to someone desperately. "Oh, no worries I understand I just need to talk to someone. I'm feeling lonely and not doing too well. Do you think you could come over and we could talk? I'd love to have company over after all it's just me and little Roo in this big house. Well, she's not so little anymore which makes me sad. You are aware of the situation that happened a few years ago and I haven't talked to many people but you were there for me no matter what happened. I'm sorry this is a sudden notice Mark but I miss your beautiful personality in my dark gloomy life. Heh, I guess I should let you go since you're driving. Stay safe."

Right as he was about to hang up Mark stopped him quickly as he could to gather information to go see one of his long-lost high-school friends. Jonghyun had been with Mark from freshman to senior somewhat into college too but Jonghyun dropped out to pursue a different dream that he had. Dorsal getting the information Mark proceeded to get to Jonghyun's house soon as possible. Following the speed limit and time estimate on his maps, he took his time to get there safely. Ensuring, he was there at the right house he called Jonghyun to confirm if that was his house or not. To his surprise, he saw Jonghyun step out on his front porch to describe Mark's car to confirm it was him. Mark parked then proceeded to get out of the car locked it heading up to the doorstep where his long-lost old friend greeted him with pure joy.

Jonghyun's face lit up upon seeing Mark being the first to initiate a hug. Mark hugged back tightly being invited into Jongie's house. Mark gasped looking around seeing how nice his house was Jonghyun made Mark as comfortable as possible. "So, Mark it's been 9 years since we've talked and seen each other. What's up in your life? Anything new? I know this is unnoticed by me but I just missed your company. Plus, I kind of need to tell you something I've been wanting to tell you for quite some time." Mark sat down stretching out on the beautiful coffee colour couch looking over at Jonghyun getting comfortable. "Well, I've been with Minho and his family plus had dinner with them after I took his sister who is my girlfriend on a date, got to know Mrs. Choi very well. At least I got her blessings alongside Minho. Not only that let me mention this! Remember how Minho and Taemin use to go out in the second semester of College?" Jonghyun gasped looking at Mark listening intently getting the biggest scoop he's heard in the past twelve years. "Oh? They're a thing again? Is that what you're saying? Also, you go boy. I'm glad for you that you got a girlfriend while I'm here all alone like always. Ugh, anyway I wanted to tell you I use to have a crush back on you in the first Semester of our classes in college. I still like your personality, character and your company I guess you could say."

He shrugged getting up to grab two bottles of water offering one to Mark watching Mark's expressionless face carefully seeing how knowing he liked Jonghyun back then too. Mark took the bottle thanking him preceding to tell the hidden secret of how he liked Jonghyun too but was afraid of the backlash he'd get if anyone knew he was gay then. "I would've told that too but back then the persecution we would've gotten would have made us break up. Now, I'm with a beautiful woman, someone who understands me for who I am. She doesn't judge anyone for their weird quirks, personality flaws or desires she accepts them as they are. Her name is so eloquent like a whole bouquet. Ari Choi the most beautiful name in the whole wide world. Ari is my sweetheart, my lotus, my friend, my precious. Ah, I've fallen in love and I can't control myself. I have a deep care for her in an addition to my love."

Jonghyun gasped mesmerized at that beautiful love story beginning to cry a little bit uttering soft words. "Wow, that's so amazing. I wish I could find love.. but sadly can not simply seek love. I don't understand.. why can't I just be happy? Is it because I'm short? What's wrong with me Mark?... is it because I'm a secret gay? What? Tell me why can't I just find the right one?..." Mark helped dry Jong's eyes with a Kleenex before hugging him tightly swaying gently holding Jong close in his arms reassuring him. "It's ok Jjongie let it all out. I got you and nothing bad will happen to you. You're a beautiful person as well as having the right one come to you once the time is right. Don't worry about being a gay man just worry about your mental health the factor is you're a very caring person. I'm always going to be here for you. Remember that always ok love?" Jong sniffled softly nodding holding him even tighter thanking him in a crackled-down voice due to crying. "Thanks for everything seriously thank you. That means a lot to me even when no one wants to be around I can always count on you, my good faithful old-timer."

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