Chapter One

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Author's Note: Hello again friends, and welcome to the second book! I hope you enjoy this one as much as the first x All my love.

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"Friends break up, friends get married,

Strangers get born, strangers get buried

Trends change, rumours fly through new skies

But I'm right where you left me"

TAYLOR SWIFT - 'Right Where You Left Me'

.               .             .

Tape #1

Begin Recording.

Whirrr. Click.

"Miss Merlyn? Miss Merlyn, are you okay? Can you continue the interview?"

"I'm fine. Sorry. I'm fine. Let's continue."

"Miss Merlyn, people are saying that you should be in prison with Moira Queen. What's your comment on that? Do you think you should be facing the court as well?"

A pause. A sigh.

Whirrrr. Click.

"I think.... I think that, somehow, I should've known. Maybe I should be punished for that, for suspecting but not doing anything. My father is - was - a monster. He did monstrous things. He threatened Oliver and Thea just to keep Moira in line. If I knew what he was planning, I would have stopped it. Would've tried to stop it. Would've tried to keep my brother alive."

"Tommy was found in the wreckage of CNRI, wasn't he?"

Clearing of a throat.

"Yeah, he-he was."

"You were also in the Glades when the quake hit, isn't that right, Miss Merlyn?"

"I was, yes."

"That's how you've avoided facing jail time with Moira Queen. But there are still those who think that you were working with your father - that you and Tommy went into the Glades to give yourselves an alibi, to keep yourselves safe from justice."

Whirrr. Click.

"My father, despite his psychopathy, would never try to kill his children."

Whirrr. Click.

"Miss Merlyn, with all due respect-"

"With all due respect, my brother fucking died. There's no way I would ever willingly be a part of the thing that killed him."

"Miss Merlyn-"

Whirr. Click.


"My brother died. It's my biggest regret that I didn't die beside him."

Whirr. Click.

End of Recording.

.                .              .

Everything that flickered by the window was...grey.

The sidewalks were matted with ash and leftover debris, dirty people with no homes lined the pavement like sad statues, burnt out cars flipped on their roofs and left to rot. Spider-web cracks claimed the sides of still-standing buildings, like a grotesque tally of the deaths etched into the concrete.

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