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Awoken by an awful throb on the left fraction of her skull, Naela felt a heavy sense of discomfort filling the already thick, after rain air. Colors swirled as bit by bit she regained her sight.

"Sister," a squeaky voice chirped from assumingly somewhere near, "she's awoken!"

Peeking at her surroundings, Naela was surprised to see an entirely white room; with white sheets, white furniture, white and grey patterned rugs and an awfully boring painting of a snowy, white field stuffed into a rich - white - frame.

The source of the prior heard voice was nowhere in sight and the itchy, painful patch of dried, mud like blood on her skull made it impossibly strenuous to move around.

A sudden warmth spread through her fingers as a cup was gently placed into her palm. Her reactions were slow as Naela's mind felt detached from her physical being and so it took a while for the warmth of the ceramic to actually burn through malnourished bones and tender, chirped skin.

"Oh dear, you're going to spoil the sheets. Here, allow me to help, would you?"

The voice, as unfamiliar as it was, had a comforting sense of leniency and yet the rushed response of grabbing the cup showed an absolute disregard for both the girl and her wellbeing.

The beverage was an inky swirl of bitter herbs with a pinch of beetroot as sweetener. Naela eyed the ceramic as the nun blew the thick topping of steam from it. Even with leak on her remembrance, she could name most common herbs just by smell alone.

Many questions irked her mind, most of which were directed towards the simple concept of how on earth she could have possibly ended up in here and why she could not recall a single memory conceived prior to her awakening.

As the nun - based on her formal attire and massive seven ringed chain - pressed the cup against Naela's lips, the sensation of calming warmth eased the bundle of nerves webbing her bleeding spot.

"Your little companion has caused the sirs quite the trouble, from what I have heard," she sighed before placing the cup on the light, wooden bedside "though it must be of most delightful news to you that the court has no intentions of separating the two of you..."

Ah of course. Naela blamed her fractured memory for not instantly recognizing the said companion even if he had been her only partner for the past years; The fierce and infamous albino dragon, Ikimai.

There was obvious hesitation in the nun's words, and Naela was sharper enough to know there would be more to this than what had been said so far.

"...of course, that is as long as you cooperate with the wishes of the high council, for now."

Gazing through the fogged window, Naela became painfully enlightened by the reality of her whereabouts. The pristine landscape of ancient monuments, towering, stone castles and buildings afore poorer, wooden structures had been an unfamiliar yet not entirely unknown concept to her.

Even through fogged memories, she could recall the glory filled stories of King's Landing and furthermore of the Red Keep.

Nalea was brighter than to put up a fight against undisclosed enemies and so she nodded her head as a sign of understanding.

𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐞, aemond targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now