Coffee Shop

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Snupin one-shot #1

Coffee Shop

S- Severus Snape R- Remus Lupin W- Waitstaff/server

S: (As the sun pokes through the heavy clouds above London, Severus exits his flat onto the busy downtown avenue. Rain was coming, and he intended on getting to the coffee shop before it started. Quickly, he pulled the collar of his jacket up to the bottom of his ears, picking up his pace in the direction of the northeast corner. Turning onto the connecting street, his attention was drawn to a large, brightly coloured billboard advertising a new beverage. Suddenly, this distraction caused him to walk straight into another pedestrian, who also appeared to have been captivated by the new sign installation) Oof! (Snape huffed sharply, accidentally knocking a book out of the stranger's hands. Frustrated, he furrowed his brows at the man and opened his mouth to speak. Before he could utter a word, he heard the person say)

R: Severus? Is that you?

S: (His eyes adjusted onto the face in front of him. Slender, with some graying stubble on the cheeks, and a quaint mustache beneath a thoroughly scarred nose. Come to think of it, the whole face was covered in healed scars. Severus' eyes widened: it was Remus Lupin.) Remus? (Snape gave off a curious glance)

R: (Nodding happily, he smiled from ear to ear) I thought that was you under that hood and hair! It is absolutely fantastic to run into you, literally and figuratively...

S: Yes... (He looked to the ground and noticed the book that had been knocked from Remus' grasp. Snape murmured and leaned over, picking up the sprawled open tome before passing it back to him.) I do apologize for that. My mind must have been elsewhere.

R: I know mine certainly was. (He took the book graciously) Thank you. It's already pretty banged up. I'm re-reading it cover-to-cover for the third time recently. Not much else to do with the lockdown.

S: I have also found myself rotating through the same few books as of late. I'm finding that something that I can predict or expect gives me greater comfort nowadays than shock and surprise.

R: (He nodded) Absolutely. (Another smile formed across his face) Are you in a rush?

S: Slightly...I'm mainly hoping to beat the rain.

R: Is your walk much further?

S: (He shook his head) Not at all. Just a few more blocks. Why do you ask?

R: It isn't every day that I stumble upon an old friend. Mind if I accompany you to your destination?

S: (His mouth twists in thought) Alright, I don't see why not. (Motioning toward the next block, Snape began to walk with Remus down the sidewalk. They passed by multiple storefronts, most boarded up with weathered wood, barbed wire, or security grates. Up ahead, they could finally see the sign for the coffee shop. The last few steps of the journey were filled with a brief conversation about the most recent Quidditch World Cup, which, with the lockdown had no audience in the stands)

R: It was incredible to witness...well, watch on the television. (Looking up at the shop front, he turned to Severus) Thank you for letting me walk with you. And for a catch-up conversation.

S: Sure, you're welcome. It was pleasant to see you, Remus. (Placing his hand on the door, he paused.) You wouldn't...maybe want to continue the discussion? I was going to order a coffee...

R: (His face lit up) I would love to.

S: (A small smile formed as Snape held the door open for Remus. Watching him scoot past into the cramped coffee house gave him a sense of calmness. Years had gone by since he had seen this man, and it felt as if not a day had passed. Snape followed, taking the seat across from Remus as they both sat down at a low-lying table) This has always been a favourite place of mine, (He slid his jacket off, draping it behind him on the chair) Their mochas will probably tickle your fancy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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