Records Of Time

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In a univers of light and dark were perception is reality
A clock falls from the sky with 4 figures on them tree where umbra witches or two because one was male and male umbra witches were very rare this umbran male is known as Cerezo
The two witches were his umbran sisters one his childhood friend Jeanne and the other his biological twin sister Cereza
Now the Luman is a boy named Ciel and he was the umbran males lover (yes this is male x male)
All 4 of them stood at the ready for the incoming angles of Paradiso know as affinity angles

(I'm not going to write out the records of time you can just listen to its)
A giant dragon like angle shoot the platform the 4 were fighting on and the started to fall down and the black hair d woman screams for her brother and friends
"Jeanne, Ciel, Cerezo!" the platinum blond answers
"We're okay!"
The all fly to each other and get into a unisoned pose to prepare an attack from all angles
"Let's go, just stay close together!" Cerezo scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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