Chapter 1 - The Opening

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I've never done anything like this before.

Transferring a week late into a new high school was nerve-racking. Everyone there probably already formed their friend groups and were enjoying their high school lives by now. Meanwhile, I'd be that new lonely kid that no one would dare talk to. It would just be another story of my life with no friends, which wouldn't be any different than before.

Not to mention I'm not the most social of kids my age, so even if someone did want to talk to me, I couldn't probably hold an interesting conversation with them. So making any good friends by myself in my high school career might be out of the question. Unless a person from heaven was sent down to be my friend, that was my only realistic shot of not being a complete loner.

"Sigh... I really am pathetic."

The bus ride to Advance Nurturing High School was quiet. Since school started a week ago, there weren't any other students on the bus with me. I'd seen from ads and pamphlets that this school was a government project-funded institution that boosted a 100% college or job admission rate after graduation. That seemed appealing in its own regard, probably why it was considered an elite school, to be honest though, it didn't really matter to me I just wanted to try something different in my life, and that's why I applied.

It didn't take too long before the bus finally stopped just outside the gates of ANHS. As I stepped off the bus, I was greeted by the intimidating gates leading into the school.

"If all goes well, this is where I'll spend the next three years of my life... I hope it could be relatively interesting for me, I wouldn't want to have too boring of high school life."

As I took my first steps into the new chapter of my life, only one thought remained in my mind

Let the journey begin.


This school is massive.

The school alone must have covered at least 100,00 square meters. When you looked at the school, it didn't look that impressive. Other than the absurd amount of windows that lined the outside of the school, it looked pretty plain and grey from the outside. But, even though this school is enormous, I definitely will not get lost.

- 10 minutes later wandering the school -

"I'm definitely lost now... honestly though, for such an advanced high school you'd think they'd have an advanced guide system for new students, like a robot or something even a map would've been nice but noooo..."

"Hey there, are you lost trying to find your classes? If you want, I could help you?"

A voice from behind me snapped me out of my rant.

"Oh yeah, that would be great thanks... but I'm not looking for my classroom just yet, I'm actually looking for the faculty room if you know where that is?"

I turned around to see a beautiful strawberry-blonde hair girl coming closer to me, my heart couldn't help but beat a little faster at the sight before me. She looked to be about a foot shorter than me, but her gorgeous strawberry-blonde hair reached just past her waist. The girl also wore a rather short skirt, that exposed a bit of her upper thigh. Which I thought the school would be against, but I guess this school didn't exactly care about small things like that.

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