Some fun

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We are on a stage in front of thousands of fans. They are completely silent. Niall sets me down.

"We realized you have never been to one of our concerts." Zayn says into a microphone.

"Oh my gosh this is amazing." Zander comes up and takes me down to where he was standing. The boys start singing Live While We're Young which is my favorite song.

"Is this really your first time seeing them in concert?"

"Yeah." I sing along to LWWY because Niall is watching me. The next songs are Gotta Be You, Everything About You, Tell me a Lie, I Want, One Thing, Up All Night, and What Makes You Beautiful.

"For our last song we need Annie to come up here please." I go up and stand next to Niall and Harry.


"We're going to sing the song we've been working on." Says Niall taking my hand.

"I can't sing in front of all these people."

"Yes you can. Just pretend we're sitting in my room."

There's two stools and we each take one. He grabs his guitar and starts playing. "It's called Through Everything."

Liam hands me his microphone and I hold it up. "You can do this." Louis whispers in my ear.

Niall starts singing and I join in when if comes to my turn. I'm a little nervous at first but towards the middle I'm enjoying it. This is amazing. When the song ends I look into Nialls eyes which are inches from mine.

"You did great." He says brushing his lips against mine. I give him a kiss and then look to the thousands of fans. They are clapping and so are the boys. They all tell me how I was really good.

We go backstage and there's a guy standing there. "Well can she come with us?"

"We can make it work." I have a huge smile on my face. The man leaves and I turn around to the boys.

"I guess you need to pack for tour." Louis says hugging me.

"I guess I do. But wait."

"What?" He asks letting me go.

"I have school in September."

"Can't you miss a few months in the beginning?"

"No I can't because I have softball."

"Well you can come on tour until school starts."

"Okay." Niall picks me up like a child and carries me.

"Your not going to walk are you?"

"Nope." I lean back and kiss his nose. We walk back to the car which is still at Nandos. It's about eight thirty now.

I lean into his shoulder and fall asleep. I think the boys take turns carrying me because I'm moving a lot. They set me in the car and try to be quiet but at times burst into laughter. I'm sitting in someones lap on the drive home.

They carry me up to my room and lay me down. They take my shoes off and tuck me into bed. "I love you." They say.

I sleep for a while until I get up to go to the bathroom. I change into my pajamas and then lay back down. The lights turn on. "Annie."


"Annie-" I throw a pillow at the person. "We have to get ready for our concert."

"Carry me there."

"You need to change though."

"Grab your favorite outfit and put it in a bag I'll change later."

"Fine." I realize it's Harry waking me up. He goes through my dresser and grabs clothes and puts them in my bag. I grab my phone and he carries me downstairs.

"Are you ready?"

"Why are you carrying Annie?"

"She doesn't want to wake up. This is the only way I could get her to come."

"Okay then. Let's go." We get into the car and I lay my head down on Harry's shoulder and sleep while we drive to the arena. We get there and he lays me down in Niall's dressing room. He kisses my cheek and I wake up.

"Your up." Niall says turning around.

"Yeah." He tosses me my bag and I look through it. It has my vans and a Softball T-shirt and my short shorts. I change and walk with the boys to the stage.

While they rehearse I run up and down the stairs in the audience. I go back stage and run around all the rooms. Paul stands in front of me and tries to grab me but I run around him and back to the audience.

I grab Niall's nerf gun and shoot the boys from the seat. Paul comes behind me and grabs me and carries me back to the stage. "Aww." I sit in the middle of the stage.

The boys are trying to do ballet. They swing each other around on the ground. I spin around for about two minutes then try to run in a straight line. I'm running in an awkward line then Louis pushes me and I fall over.

"Louis!" I scream the wrong way.


"Where are you?"

"Turn around." I turn and look at him. "Why'd you push me?"

"I wanted to see what would happen."

"Well what did you think would happen?"


"Well congratulations."

"Thanks." Niall helps me stand up.

"After the concert we got to get home and pack."


"Well we better go change the concert starts in an hour."

"Shall we?"

"We shall." He takes my arm and we skip to his room. His clothes are laid out and then a yellow sun dress next to it. I change first and then sit in front of the mirror to do my hair.

I turn to where Niall was changing and see he has no pants on, his boxers are barely covering his butt. I scream and cover my eyes.

"Sorry!" He screams and pulls his pants back up. "Are you done?"

"Yes." I uncover my eyes and see him in his signature outfit, a red shirt and khaki pants.

"Ready to meet some fans?" I sigh.

"I guess so."

"It'll be fine."

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