How do I tie a tie?

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I walk out to where the boys are standing waiting for me. I get there and stand beside Niall. He kisses my cheek and puts his arm protectively around my waist.

"Okay. First let's have Niall and Annie together." The others clear the area and I'm left with Niall. "Okay let's try this." She puts me in a pose against Niall, on his side with my hands and head on his shoulder and a foot up. It actually didn't look that bad. "Okay now some kissing!" I laugh a little and do some poses with him and kiss. "Love it! Okay let's get some brother sister pictures!" Niall gives me a kiss and Liam takes his place.

"We don't have to kiss right?" Liam asks raising his hand.

"No dear."

"Just making sure." He puts his elbow on my shoulder and smirks and I look back at him.

"Loving it!" We do a couple more and she has me go change into casual clothes while the boys go.

I change into red pants and white shirt and my vans. I get my hair done to a pony tail and some light makeup. I come out so the boys can change for the next pictures. They want solo pictures of me in casual then change into formal. So much changing! I just move around and be myself in the casual clothes. "You are beautiful!"

I go and change into a short black dress and some black heels. I start walking in them to the other room but take them off immediately because I can't walk in them. I carry them and get back to the boys standing in line with suits.

"Okay Annie I'm going to have you help them tie they're ties for poses and I'm going to choose which one is the best." I nod and put my shoes back on. "Let's start with Niall."

I walk over to Niall and he hands me his tie. I put it around his neck and stop. "How do you tie a tie?" Harry comes over and shows me then goes back. I got it down. I try it again and it's perfect! I kiss Niall's cheek after.

"Okay go to Liam!" I move over to Liam. He watches me intensely and again it's perfect. I go down the line and tie everyones ties for them.

"I never thought I would have to tie a tie before." I say once I finish Zayn's.

"The dressers have your next clothes ready go change. Oh and Annie your done."

Yes! We all go change, me into my normal clothes and the boys into they're clothes, sweaters and pants. I go back to the shoot and find five adorable puppies. "Annie can you come help."

"Sure." I walk over to Ellie who is kneeling down next to the cage. "Whatcha need?"

"Just watch the puppies please."

"Okay." I sit down and pick one up and play around with it. All the dogs come and attack me. It's so cute! The boys come out and run to me and the dogs.

They take the dogs and do they're shoot then we're done. "Thank you guys!"

We leave and go back to the hotel. I change my pants to sweat pants and lay on the couch and watch spongebob with Niall and Liam. I turn to Niall and say, "Let's do something!"

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Anything? I'm bored."

"Okay go put some pants on." I get up and run to my room and change into blue pants and UGGs. I come out and go back to Niall.

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know, let's just go and walk around."

"Sounds good." We walk to town and walk around to different stores. "Hey Niall?"


"What would you say if I dyed my hair?"

"It depends on what color."

"Just a lighter blonde."

"Then I would say your still beautiful."

"Thanks." He puts an arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to his side. "What about if I-"

"Whatever you do I will love you and think your beautiful."

"How long is tour?"

"Eight months."

"That's so long."

"I know how am I going to last without you?"

"Will you guys come to my graduation?"

"Wouldn't miss it for anything." I sigh. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing there's so much going on."

"Tell me."

"My audition tomorrow, finals, graduation, if I get the part, and I was thinking about getting a real job while I'm waiting to see if I got the part in the movie."

"A job?"

"Mhm. Work in a bakery."

"I think you'd be the cutest little baker."

"I will be." He giggles. "You giggled!"

"Did not!"

"Did too! I made you giggle!"

"Maybe you did."


"Let's just get out of the rain."

"What rain?" It suddenly starts to pour. We run into a starbucks and sit at a booth.

"I'll go order us drinks, hot Chai tea?"

"With a bunch of whip cream please!" He gives me a thumbs up and goes to order.

I grab his phone from the other side of the table and set his background as a picture of me with a funny face. I start to play fish frenzy but the big fish keep eating me. "Is that my phone?"


He scoots in beside me and watches me play. "I don't think the fish are supposed to eat you."

"Shut up, I'm trying. It's hard."

"Let me show you how the boss does it."

"Boss?" I question handing him the phone.

He plays and gets to the biggest fish when his name is called.

"Annie and Niall Horan!"

I smile as he gets the drinks. "Thanks." I kiss his cheek and sip the hot drink.

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