The next day at 6pm
Dr Wondertainment: so Dave and Gold how did the date go.
Dave: Good but...
Goldie: you don't trust me.
Dave: I do but you do make it hard.
Dr Wondertainment: Ok stop now Goldie why do you think this.
Goldie: I was kept in a straitjacket.
Dave: the room did that not me.
Goldie: you could have let me out.
DR W: Ok stop why was Goldie in a straitjacket to begin with.
Dave: we don't know the room just changed to that form to best fit Golds needs but why a padded room was needed I'm unsure.
DR W: Right Gold do you have a history of mental disorders or such.
Goldie: No
Dave: sure Gold.
Goldie: Ok I think there was something . . . but I can't remember what.
DR W: Ok can you take Goldie back to his room to calm down.
Dave: Ok
Goldie: NO (clawing Dave and blinding his right eye(dave)
Dave (now angry) drags Gold back to his room.
Goldie now is in a straitjacket again and locked in his padded room trying to get out why the others after hearing of what happened where shocked all except Andrew who had been sceptical from the start.
Emily: are you ok Dave.
Dave: yes just never expected it from him.
DR W: Well I did warn you that most likely it would not be easy.
Emily: what time is it.
Ryan: 7:30 where late.
DR W: well if you four go and run the park me and Dave can try and help Gold and we can all talk about it when the park is closed.
Andrew,Emily,Hannah and Ryan: Ok
Dave: what about the water park?
DR W: there are more then enough lifeguards to run it.
Dave: ok should we see if Gold what's to Talk.
DR W: lets wait for a bit give it till 10am
Dave: Ok
10am DR Wondertainment and Dave sit down on the floor and talk to Goldie.
Dave: Goldie do you always get angry with people when talking about your sanity if it is we can just stop talking about it and then the problem is solved.
Dave: No Gold we need you to be much calmer before we do.
DR W: and Dave no the problem won't be solved if we ignore it but we do need to know so we can help you Goldie.
Goldie: I got scared and didn't what to be locked in a room again.
Dave: we get that but this is a recurring thing like last night you got angry and violent when we just asked if you need help or when Ryan had to rush you out the door was you where then you tried to blame me for the fact you could not get to sleep repeatedly and the list goes on.
Goldie: STOP
DR W: Gold I visited a physiatrist about what was happening and he suggested diazepam to help with aggression but for the rest I'm considering emitting you to a asylum but for now your going to take that in the mornings and see if it helps.
Goldie: NO
Dave: Goldie if you do well take the jacket off.
Goldie: FINE.
DR W: Ok here you go well let you out after you take it.
Dave helps Goldie take the medication and is let out of the jacket but not allowed out the building so they can see if the medication is working during this time he cried to himself but after a while he opened up to Dr Wondertainment about it and his old life and asked what will happen in the future.(4pm)
Goldie: Can I talk to you?
DR W: sure what about.
Goldie: well what's going to happen to me after this will I still be able to entertain children?
DR W: Gold that depends on how stable you are as you could get angry and hurt someone again.
Goldie: sigh
Dr W: Goldie can I ask you something.
Goldie: sure.
Dr W: did the people at your old place try to help you?
Goldie: Well I was seeing therapist for while but at the end it was not working well.
Dr W: Ok if you try and see Dave now as he might what to talk to you.
Goldie: Ok.
As for the rest of the day everyone somewhat got over the mornings incident as Gold being grumpy and as for Dave he was chill about the ordeal but Dr Wondertainment was more concerned and started to take the doctors advice he decided to see how gold went for the rest off the year operating the station.
One year later.
Dr W: look Gold the medication has decreased the aggression and violence/ect a bit but I what to seek professional help to try and reduce it further if possible.
Goldie: ok so why are you telling me this.
Dr W: so you know in advance that something could happen.
Dr Wondertainment goes to the psychiatrist to ask about anything else that could help and he suggests and is considering calling social services to take Goldie to a better place.
Dr W: Goldie so I've ask and after a while he called social services but we are taking you as it could make you more comfortable.
Goldie: where?
Dr W: he what's you to seek phycratric help in a asylum.
Goldie: Ok? (he does not know what an asylum is)
The two get in the car and drive the the asylum. after getting there Dr Wondertainment fills out some forms and sit with Gold to get him to go with Dr Smith.
Dr W: Gold if you go with Dr smith he will be able to help you and I will see you in a bit.
Goldies anxious about going in.
Dr smith: Goldie all will be fine its just find what works for you as the diazepam has not worked well.
Goldie: Ok?
Dr smith: ok Gold here is a temporary patient card (band orange) (ward none )so you can get throw the doors.
Goldie: Will I still be able to leave if I lose it?
Dr smith: yes and no Doors between the wards need a card to open so with out the right card colour it will not open if you lose your card you can ask a staff member for a new one now the key point to remember Gold is the ward you are put in you have access to but if the colour band is different then you have access to that as well. we mostly use this to allow patients in the blue ward into the yard of the grey ward. black is a visitor they can leave at any point orange is ether a yet to be assisted patient or a ready to leave patient they can ask to be discharged furthermore yellow is staff then there are the ward colour's grey is the general ward which helps with most things then there's the blue ward which helps with more severe problems finally there is white which helps people who can become a danger to others or themselves.
Goldie: Ok what is lets say your ward was blue but the colour band was grey? (now feeling better about going in)
Dr Smith: well then you have access to both wards.
Goldie: ok hhmmmm bye Dr Wondertainment see you soon?
Dr W: bye Gold.
The two go in throw a set of double doors and head to Dr smiths office.

The Wondertainment Family
FantasyThis is a mix of the S.C.P universe and the Ask Goldie Anything universe. The story follows Goldie where he finds a new life with Dr Wondertainment at Dr Wondertainment land (scp 949).