01 - New student

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I'm pretty much sure that's the sixth time my alarm has gone off already yet I don't still feel contented with the hours of sleep I had. Okay let's get it right, I'm not exactly sleeping infact I've barely slept. I'm just laying on my bed in darkness and enjoying the silence. It's the best form of rest to me.

A glance at my clock is enough to get me off my bed.

Just like any other late student, I hurried into the bathroom room and took a super quick bath then wore my school uniform which was a navy blue knee length skirt with a white shirt and a navy blue tie.

7:05 - I had just 10 minutes to get to the bus stop and fortunately my house is a good ten minutes walk away from the bus stop. Great way to start a day right? Since I was late, there's no way on earth that I'll be able to eat breakfast and that is something my mom doesn't take kindly. Now do I eat breakfast and end up walking for half an hour to school or do I skip breakfast and get scolded by mom. Seems like I'll go with the latter. With that resolution, I tiptoed out of my room to avoid making any noise.

Seems like luck was on my side because as I went out of my room, my mom was on a business call. Immediately I was out of the house, I ran all the way to the bus stop and it seems luck was still on my side because I reached the bus stop just when the bus arrived.

" I really think you should consider joining the sports club this year 'cause why not? You run every morning and that's enough practice", Tesla, my best friend said when I had sat down.
" Good morning to you too", I replied sarcastically while rolling my eyes. I was trying to fix my tie which was obviously not in place when my phone started vibrating. Yes I take my phone to school although it's prohibited. I never said I was that good student did I? But hey I'm not bad either.

        " It's very graceful and honorable of you Miss Judith Idara Roland to leave home without eating or doing your dishes. That shows how much of a wonderful child you are and I think that you should have a chit chat with your father on this. How does that sound to you? Get back to me as soon as you can. Have a great day at school. Try not to get in trouble"

By the mention of my father she knew that she had gotten to me and I'll be ready to serve any of her punishment to avoid having to face my father. We weren't exactly best buddies.

        " What's my punishment?"

I quickly sent it back to her. She saw the message and left me on seen. She does that alot so I'm not bothered. I just hope she doesn't take my phone away in the name of punishment.

In case you haven't noticed, I am from a Nigerian home and Nigerian parents don't take negligence of chores lightly that's why she's upset about me not doing my dishes before going to school.
And on the eating aspect, she lost her best friend that suffered from eating disorder, so she fears that she may loose me too.

Tesla has been scrolling through her phone since I entered the bus as if her life depended on it. I guess she's met a new victim. By victim, I mean another person who would be fooled by her looks.
Tesla is a half caste. Her mom is a Nigerian while her dad is Italian. At seventeen, she's looking like twenty one and that's why it's easy for her to lie about her age and get to mingle with people who are older.

" Who's the new victim?", I asked her after sometime.
" Uh", she replied without looking up. It really pissed me off. I don't share my attention. So I did what any other person would do. I snatched the phone from her only for her to snatch it back.
" You aren't talking to me" , I whined.
She gave me an ' are you serious' look and went back to her phone. I guess she's dealing with a serious issue and she'll tell me when she's ready. With that, I kept quiet and did my own thing which was nothing * hehe*.

Finally after what felt like ages, the bus reached the school otherwise known as prison yard and students started alighting haphazardly while I just sat where I was waiting for the junior students to finish before I make my grand alighting ( just kidding).

When we alighted from the bus, Joyce, a friend of ours came to us beaming with her ever radiant smile. But today's smile was exceptional and I immediately knew that she had good news.

" Hey girls, have you he-", Joyce was saying when she got to us only to be cut short by Tesla.
" Heard that we would be having a new student in the third week of the first term of our final year. How awesome", she said with dripping sarcasm and an eye roll. 
" How did you know and why aren't you excited?", Joyce asked her as we were walking to our class
"I just know and there's nothing to be excited about", Tesla said with a shrug which was definitely unlike her.
" C'mon Tes, it's unlike you not to be excited about new changes and besides,   he's cute, tall and the likes", Joyce said with excitement .
" I bet you haven't seen him, have you?", Tesla asked her.
" I haven't but it's true", Joyce argued causing Tesla to raise an eyebrow.
" You don't believe everything people say darling and I am not excited about this new change so drop it", Tesla said and I couldn't be anymore thankful.
" Finally", I sighed dramatically, " now could we go and submit our essays?".
" How long is yours Judy", Joyce asked.
" As long as it should be", I answered her with a shrug.
" How did you do it?", Joyce whined.
" By not spending a 48 hour weekend in front of your television", Tesla answered her with a pointed look which made her frown.

Just as you've noticed, Joyce is the talkative among us. Although she's fun to be with, she could be sometime annoying. Just like now.


Heyyyyyyy 😄
That's it for chapter one. You can view the characters in your own way.

Please do well to vote and comment. It'll go a long way in encouraging me.
Thanks. I love y'all.

Rosemary 💎

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