02 - Val

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After series of not so boring classes, with Joyce passing notes on how the new student looked like and how we could make him join our friends group, lunch break finally came. I literally ran of the class to the cafeteria. Firstly because I want to buy those freshly baked fish rolls and secondly because I want to get the table close to the door. It makes leaving the cafeteria easier and less noticeable.

Getting to the cafeteria, there was a little number of students who just like me were interested in the freshly baked fish rolls, so I just joined the short queue.

Not so long after, I felt a presence behind me. I did what any other human would do - I looked back to check who it was.

Val Williams. 

I was a little bit disappointed. Not that seeing him was a problem, but because I want to see the new student or specifically the new boy not my ex boyfriend.
" Some things never change, does it?", Val asked with a smile on his face.
Yes we still talk even after the breakup. He knew a lot about me then and I am not surprised he still does remember the little things like my love for freshly baked fish rolls. That's the way he is. So in response to his question, I just smiled because I wasn't in the mood to talk.
" Let me buy it for you", he asked or more like said 'cause that wasn't a question.
" No. Thanks", I don't have it in me to say more. Not like I have more say though.
" It's okay", he said and I couldn't be any more thankful that he didn't say more. Like I said, I don't have it in me to talk for I am FAMISHED.
Just then, it got to my turn. I bought three rolls 'cause why not. I also bought a soft drink and headed to my favorite spot which luckily hasn't been taken.

I sat down and started eating while awaiting the arrival of my friends.

The cafeteria is the only place in this school where you can use your phone without disturbance. So without further ado, I brought out my baby from its safe place in my backpack and saw that I had a message from my mom. I didn't bother to check it, I just went directly to tik tok.

After watching some short videos while eating, I decided to check on Tesla. She never misses lunch except she's on punishment ( which is rare) or a teacher is using their break. Whatever the case was, I decided to go and check on her.

Just when I stood up, I saw Joyce literally sprinting towards me with a smile as wide as that of a person who won a trophy. I couldn't help but wonder what could get her in such a mood in a day as stressful as this. I just hope she has food with her.

" Heyyyyyyy babe", she said while throwing her arms around me.

She never gets this excited unless she satisfactorily passes an impromptu test. And now I really want to know what has gotten her in such a mood that makes her want to strangle me with her hug.

" What's up? Why are you so happy? Was any impromptu tests written and you some how managed to pass?", I asked her.

" Ouch", she said feigning hurt. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. " Well you're very wrong because something else got me in this mood.", She said wiggling her brows.
" Just talk already"
" I won't. Where's Tesla? She has to be here. She'll be so thrilled to hear this", she said looking around to find Tesla.
" I'm also looking for a girl with that name but I don't think she'd be so thrilled", someone said from behind me with a very thick Italian accent. Only one person has that accent around here and that's Tesla but this voice is totally not Tesla's voice. It's deeper and more carefree. Looking at Joyce, her eyes were so wide like she had seen a ghost. And if I am not mistaken, I think I saw her blush. Jeeez-
" Hello Joyce and hello mute girl that I assume is Joyce's friend.", the voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see who owns such nice voice but not nice manners. He was the new boy obviously. His rude manners didn't allow me to see what a beauty he was.
" You know manners have a way of making someone more attractive right? ", I said as I dragged Joyce's past him.

" Heyyyyyyy, what was that for?", Joyce hissed when we were at a distance from there. Leaving her wrist, I shot her a glare but that didn't keep her mute. " He's cute and he's new, you should have at least be kind to him."

" Well he's rude, so he deserves to be treated rudely. First he butted into our conversation then he called me mute. How dare he! I don't care about his physical appearance at all he can be cute for all I care."

" Judith he's looking like a lost puppy now. Let's just go and help him please", she said pouting a little.
I would have been suspicious but I can't because this is how Joyce is to every newbee. And if not for how rudely he acted earlier I would have heeded to Joyce's pleas but no.
" I'm not helping him, he can get lost for all I care.", I said with a tone of finality.

" It seems you're the only girl in our class that isn't thrilled with this newbee around", a voice I could recognize anywhere said.
" He's rude! I don't like him", I said stomping my feet like a child. Val started laughing while Joyce only kept looking at me pleadingly.
" I don't like him either", Val said amid laughters.
" You aren't helping Val", Joyce said glaring at Val.
" See? Some other person doesn't like him because he's rude", I said victoriously to Joyce.
" He never said his reason. Let's go anyways", she said while literally dragging me out of the cafeteria just the same way I dragged her a few minutes ago.

There you go lovelies.
I know it's been a while and I'm sorry for the delay. My real life came in between. But don't worry it doesn't happen often.

I look forward to reading your comments and seeing your votes. It'll go a long way in encouraging me.

Rosemary 💎

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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