The "I've Got To Meet You" Stage

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     You're currently heading away from your old home to the small town you'll be staying in.

     "Fuck!" I cursed. This horrible traffic was going to end up having me late. It was already noon and I needed to be at the house to unpack before one. I still needed to get ready for that interview as well. I was so screwed. Rushing from inside the city to a small town in London wasn't easy whatsoever, quite frustrating actually. Now having to deal with idiotic drivers wasn't helping. Just as the light turned green again I saw someone fly past me. They were on a motorcycle going at least sixty to sixty five miles per hour off the start. They were obviously in a rush. Their red hoodie was pushed back by the air as they raced down the street. I'll have to admit, they were pretty hot. From what I saw of their body shape, they were pretty nice. I continued to drive on, questioning what I just saw. I had twenty minutes before one as I pulled into the driveway of my new house. I stepped out of the car, hoisting a book bag onto my back. I fumbled with my keys as I stepped onto the porch and to the door, sticking the key in and turning it. I opened it up and looked inside. It wasn't too shabby. The inside was a pale beige and the flooring was a smooth wooden design, an oaky color. I flipped the light switch on and the living room was illuminated. It had a "L" shaped couch, a very nice grey color. It didn't exactly fit in with the color pallet but somehow made it better. It had a small table in the middle of the room, in front of the couch. It had a small remote on it. I walked over, setting my bag onto the couch and grabbed the remote. I turned towards the Tv and pressed the power button. Sure enough it worked, and well too. Great picture and sound. I turned it back off for now and set the remote down. I walked out of the living room and into the kitchen, which had all the basic appliances. A fridge, microwave, stove, dishwasher, damn even a toaster. I'm glad mom didn't take everything with her when she left. I went around and made sure everything worked. Fortunately everything did. I smiled a little, turning around and walking down the hall. The bathroom and guest room was here. Both decent sizes for sure. I'm so glad I don't have to pay anything on this house, otherwise I'd be in so much debt. I walked away from the hallway and into the room on my right. That was my room. I walked in and was pretty shocked at how big it was. A very plush and soft queen bed, a desk, shelves, a closet, and a comfy looking chair was here. I saw a door in the room and opened it up, only to find it was a personal bathroom. Wasn't as big as the other but still was nice. I closed the door and smiled. I was so grateful to have this place. All to myself too. I walked out of my room and out the door again. I walked to my car and started to unpack the many things I had brought. I had spent the next thirty to forty minutes unpacking and getting the house fancied up. Decorating the living room, the guest room a little, and especially my room. I was finishing up with putting away clothes when I heard a knock at the door. I just moved in today and someone's here? I walked to the door and opened it a little, peeking out. Standing outside the door was a tall ginger, who had a very sharp jawline. He smiled softly at me and held his hand out.
"Hello! I'm Matt from across the street!" His voice rang out. I opened the door fully and took his hand, shaking it.
"I'm y/n, nice to meet you," I'm gonna have to be honest, even with his kind expression, this man intimidated me. He was so tall and you could tell just by his grip strength he was strong. He could probably throw me out the window if he wanted. He pulled his hand away.
"I live right over there," he said, pointing to a pale yellow house with a red roof right across the street from me.
"Does anyone else live with you?" I asked. I only asked because there were two cars in the driveway along with a motorcycle.
"Oh yes! I live with 3 others!" Matt exclaimed. He was so willing to give out just about anything.
"That must be a handful huh?" I asked jokingly. He laughed a little and nodded.
"Yeah it can be. Especially with a certain two roommates. They don't seem to ever stop fighting!" I laughed a little. I looked over to his house again only to see who I'm pretty sure he was talking about. It was two guys, obviously fighting. One had run outside in attempt to escape the other. They looked..quite odd. One had a red hoodie and his hair formed into two pointed horns, while the other wore blue and eyes? No eyes? I have no clue. The one in red ran out, looking across the street and catching a hint of eye contact with me before getting tackled by the man in blue. Matt didn't seemed phased at all.
     "Damn it, not again," he sighed. He started to walk off the porch when he stopped short, looking at me.
     "If you ever want to you can come over!" I just smiled nervously and nodded, closing the door. I sat there for a moment. Not to be mean or anything, but they were kind of weird. I just shrugged it off and went to walk into my bedroom when I heard another knock.
     "Ughh.." I groaned and went back to the door. I turned the knob and opened it, only to see Matt back again, with the man in the red hoodie on his back. His face was buried into Matt's back.
     "Uhm, sorry to be a bother, but do you happen to have any spare bandages-?" Matt asked, sounding a bit worried now.
     "Uh yeah- let me go get them.." this was odd. I turned around and headed to the bathroom, reaching up into the cabinets and grabbing a roll of bandages. I went back out and handed them to Matt.
     "Thanks y/n, I'll make sure to get you back," he said hurriedly with a smile, and rushed back off to their house. I closed my door and sat down on the couch. So that was the catch of the house. Weird neighbors. I can handle that for now. I glanced up at the time and panicked. The interview! Shit! I had ten minutes to get there. I rushed to my room and quickly threw on some decent looking clothes and rushed out the door, grabbing my bag. I got into my car and started to drive down town to all the shops. I stopped down by a little well ran bar, going in and standing at the front. Eventually some worker came in and asked me what I was doing.
     "I'm here for the position-?" My voice didn't come out as confident as I wanted it to be.
     "Well you've got it," I looked at them, trying to make sure I heard that right.
     "You've got the position. We're too low on workers right now to turn anyone down, so your in luck," they admitted. I sighed. At least I didn't get sent home.
     "You do have some bartendering experience, don't you?" They questioned.
     "Oh yes! I do," I happily announced. One of the only talents I really have was those cool bartender tricks.
     "Alright good, you'll be starting on Monday at five P.M. you'll be shown what to do after you get here," I nodded and they waved me off, signaling for me to leave. I turned around and walked towards the door when I bumped into someone. I felt their hands down at my waist as if they were holding me. My face was currently in their chest. When I went to look up at their face, they let go of me and brushed past, not giving me a chance to.
      "Sorry," he said to me. I could already feel my face get hot. He had a very low voice, not too deep, but low. He also had a heavy accent. I'll have to say, it was fucking hot. I just nodded and walked out. What the fuck was that?! Why didn't I say anything back! I sighed and continued to walk to my car. I got in and started it up, starting to drive home. So now I have a job, and a wonderful house. Things just felt amazing. There was still one thing on my mind. Why has the guy in the red hoodie shown up everywhere? I knew exactly who it was. The guy from across the street, the man from the bar, the one on the motorcycle, that was all him. He seemed to be following me, even when he wasn't trying to. I continued driving and zoned out, and in no time I was home. I don't even remember getting here. I shrugged and hopped out of the car, walking inside. By the time I got home it was about three and I was exhausted from the day. I flopped onto my bed and cuddled up with the blankets above me. It was so comfortable. I was about to fall asleep when a person drifted into mind. Him. The man with that extremely hot accent. Why couldn't I stop thinking of him? He's not someone I know, and I doubt I'll ever see him again. So why do I feel like there's something about him I need? I put my arm over my face and sighed. Today was so odd. Yet enjoyable in a way. I smiled to myself thinking about it and ended up asleep.

From Across The Street ||A Tord x Reader Story||Where stories live. Discover now