Early Bird Gets The Idiots

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     I felt my eyes flutter open early in the morning. It was still dark out from the morning. I grabbed my phone off the night stand and took a look at the time. It read 5:24. I woke up way too early. I don't even go into work until 5 PM. I buried my face into the covers, hoping to fall back asleep. I tossed and turned but just couldn't drift off. I sat up in my bed only to realize I was still in Tords coat. I smiled to myself a little. I slid off my bed and stood up, stretching a little. The ground was cold and I was sure it was colder outside then in here. I walked my way into the living room and sat down, still trying to wake up all the way. That's when I heard someone walk up onto the porch.
"What the..-?" I said to myself, standing up and going over to the door. I started to unlock it hearing the locks turn and click. I opened the door, not seeing anyone. I stepped out onto the porch, still looking around.
"Hello-? Is..anyone there?" I called out. I was cold, especially since I was in shorts. I heard someone whispering from the side of the house.
"Why'd you drag me over here..?!"
"We were fighting did you really think I was looking where I was going..!!" Two people were bickering back and forth. I stepped down off the porch and peeked over the side of the house. It was the two fighting men Tom and Tord. What were they doing over here?
"Uhm..hello-?" I said, revealing myself all the way. The two men turned to me. They had different reactions. Tom turned away, kinda shielding his eyes. Tord continued to look at me embarrassed and red in the face. I soon realized why they were acting that way. I had totally forgot I had no top on and only Tords coat. I wrapped the coat around my body, getting embarrassed myself. Tom looked at Tord and started snickering. I titled my head confused. I'm guessing he was laughing at Tords red face.
"Oi Tord, something wrong there?" He asked him, only starting to laugh more.
"Shut the fuck up you bastard," Tord snapped back at Tom. I saw Tom raise his arm to probably smack Tord in the back of the head.
"Aye both of you idiots cut it out," I said. I can't believe I was talking to them like that. Surprisingly, they listened to me. I didn't expect that to work.
"What are you guys doing at my house?" I asked the two of them. They looked at each other.
"Tom said some shit to me, and we got into a fight," Tord started.
"And we ended up dragging each other over here, that's when we heard you unlocking the door," Tom finished. I sighed. These two acted like absolute children right out of high school.
"You should probably get back over to your house. It's too cold and early for this," I scoffed turning around and starting to walk back.
"Is that Tords coat?" I heard Tom ask. I turned my head to them as my face was heating up. I didn't answer, rushing back into my house. That was so embarrassing. I flung myself onto the couch face down. I stayed there until I heard a knock. I sighed and got up, going over to the door and opening it. There outside the door stood Tord, who was holding the back of his neck nervously. My face went red.
"Oh-..? Tord..?" I looked up at him shyly.
"Hey Y/N..I just uhm..wanted to apologize for what Tom said," he muttered out. I'm guessing he was talking about the coat question.
"Oh that's fine..it's not that big of a deal," it really was a big deal to me, it was so embarrassing I had to stuff my face into my couch.
"Still, I'm sorry about it. Also sorry for yk, kinda trespassing onto your land," he apologized again. I snickered some.
"Oh no, it's so horrible having two idiots at my house, oh the horrors!" I said sarcastically, laughing some. He rolled his eyes at me, a small grin on his face.
"I'd better get going before Edd worries too much. Cya around y/n,"
"Cya around Tord," I smiled and waved him along, as he smiled back and walked out, closing the door behind him as well. I sighed. He was just so amazing, even if he was a bit weird and awkward. I hadn't noticed until then, when we were face to face, but he had light freckles that scattered across his face. It suited him honestly. I stepped back to my room, grabbing my phone off the nightstand and checking the time. 6:02. I still had all day until I started working. I didn't feel like going back to town with how cold and early it was, so that was scratched off the list. I could just clean around the house? No, the house is already clean enough. As I thought to myself what I could do that day I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and the screen lit up. My mother was calling. I smiled and answered, putting the phone up to my ear.
"Y/n? Y/n are you there?" She called through the other side of the call.
"Yes mom, I'm here" I heard her squeal in joy.
"Oh child! I've missed you so much..! How'd everything going at the new house? Everything alright?"
"Oh yes, everything is perfect..! The house is very nice and the town is quite large from what I thought," I explained, sitting down on my bed as I spoke to her.
"Oh lovely..! You haven't had any problems with the neighbors yet, have you-?" She asked, a bit of concern in her voice.
"Oh no! The neighborhood is lovely. I'm actually friends with some people across the road, very kind people,"
"Oh good, I'm glad you enjoy it. Well, I'd better get off here, your dad and I have plans. I'll see you around sweetie!"
"Bye mom," I said, just as she hung the phone up. I loved my mom, but sometimes she can be quite energetic. I set my phone back down and laid back. Now I had to find something to do.
     Knock knock knock came from the front door.
Scratch that. I thought to myself as I pulled myself out of bed, taking off Tord's coat and putting on a shirt this time, and walking to the living room. I went up to the door and put my hand on the knob, turning it and pulling the door open. No surprise to me, at the door was once again Matt, but Tord was with him this time. Tord took one look at me and seemed a bit disappointed. I didn't know why though.
"Hey y/n! We were wondering if you'd like to join us for dinner tonight!" Matt quickly asked, smiling wide. I was a bit surprised they were inviting me to dinner when they barely knew me.
"Uhm..what time would it be-?"
"Oh around 5-6!" He answered cheerfully. Shit. That's when I had work.
"Sorry Matt, I'll be at work" I declined.
"Where do you work?" Matt questioned, tilting his head.
"The bar downtown," I replied, putting my weight all on one leg, leaning to the side.

"Oh! That's where we'll be! We decided to go there because Tord works there! Isn't that a fun coincident?" I got all happy inside. Not only because I could have a fun time with my friends still, but also because Tord and I worked at the same bar. At the same time. How could this get any better?
"I can't wait to see you in your bartender suit! I know Tord looks great in his," Matt added. That's how it gets better. He'll be in a suit? Fuck yeah.

     "So, will you be there?" Tord asked from behind Matt, in which he seemed nervous.

"Oh uhm..! Sure thing-! I mean I kinda have to be there anyways because of work," I replied.

"Oh right-!" Tord said, growing red in the face. I giggled some at the blush he had gotten.

"I can't wait to see you there y/n!" Matt exclaimed. I nodded some.

"I can't wait either," I admitted. Matt smiled a bunch and waved, walking away dragging Tord behind him. Tord swatted Matt's hand away, in return Matt laughed some. As I was about to turn back into my house, Tord faced me. He smiled some and waved. I got all fluttery and blushed, getting a grin and waving back. He continued to walk to his house, as I went into mine. I don't think that what just happened was what I thought, but to me it feels like I just got a date with Tord.

(note from author: Very sorry about the random spacing, I'll try to fix it later on

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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