Sailor Running On Land (2/2)

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The Frostguards opened the gates for Ian'drah, they've been informed to always do so for any associates of the Silver Lady and he is a well-known associate.

He stormed inside the Hall and surprisingly, he first saw Amanita Graygreen ready to exit the Dirge-Clam Palace with her grey eyes cemented on him in concern.

"Well isn't it Dirgefolk's Dread, what's wrong? You look as if even sunlight would fear to touch you." she approached the silent Sailor, hesitant at first but she still cupped his cheek.

"What are you doing here Nita, Aren't you supposed to seat the Graygreen throne?" Ian asked, infected by Amanita's calm.

"Provincial affairs, I had to talk to Drina's father to grant me an audience with the Ocmenian Diplomat later at dusk." she scanned The Sailor, worried why his nerves peeks visibly through his sweat-drenched tiredness, she could even whiff a hint of familiar chemicals from him.

"You mean Laguna Fucking Gazhafina?" Ian spat out the name in disgusted spite.

"How did you know his name? And what's with the grudge I sense?"

"If you're looking for the young Blackmercy, he's not here." Drina's voice echoed from the staircase above as she descends down to them. The Gray Lady's nose wrinkled in criticism of the Silver Lady's perfume, she knows that she could brew one a hundred-fold better.

"Well Ian, are you planning to trash the palace the same way you did with the plaza? Word travels fast on ice if you only knew." Drina engaged her 'lover' to answer.

"No, I was just about to escort Nita out of Dirge." Ian excused.

"Oh? I thought you wanted to know where Sion is?" Drina provoked. Amanita looked at Ian'drah with brows furrowed, now made aware as to why he looked mad.

"No we're actually just about to leave, thank you for attending to me in the court earlier Drina." Amanita rode the Sailor's tide, she bowed gracefully, taking Ian's arm to march out to the doors but was stopped by the Silver Lady.

"Ian'drah-" Drina snaked her arms around Ian's.

"See you later." The Silver Lady placed a kiss on the Sailor's cheek before glaring knowingly at Nita afterward as she retreats.

"Alright then." Ian managed a smile to bid a farewell to the matron.

"Safe travels Amanita." the Silver Lady left them.

As soon as the palace doors closed behind them Amanita sighed relief.

They descended down the stairs past the boat snouts and statues where Nita pulled Ian to the garden-side under the trees.

"So if I didn't cross paths with you then you would have wreacked havoc in the palace to find Sion? why? Did he fled away?"

"With that damned Ocmenian Diplomat... "

"You really mean to say that he who is the entity of peace is where all your scorn is currently directed to?"


"Well that clarifies everything." Amanita smiled sheepishly, patting Ian's head regardless of the volcanic anger within him.

She stood on tip-toes to near her lips over the Sailor's ear and whispered: "Too bad that he is handsomely ravishing and taller, I heard that Dessert-borns have the longest 'length' in all the four continents."

She leaned back, licking her lips in front of her soon to explode friend.

"But see the bright side Sailor, next time you'll see Sion, he won't be able to run fast the same way he did. If you know what I mean.. ." She winked, earning herself a freshly conjured ice dagger against her neck.

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