Sleepovers & Skates! Keiko is introduced!

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---Keiko's POV---

"Sumitsuki... Sumitsuki!"


I snapped back to attention, turning to look at the dark haired girl in front of me waving a hand in my face impatiently. She saw I was finally paying attention and huffed at me.

"Jeez, pay attention will ya?" The girl turned back to the other girls all looking at me expectantly. I gave a sheepish smile, scratching my head.

"Sorry, um... what were we talking about?" The others sighed, as I blushed from embarrassment.

"We were talking about what we're gonna do tomorrow on the weekend!" The girl next to me, Aine, told me.

"We were thinking of having a girly night out then a sleepover!" Orihime Inoue told me happily. I cringed inwardly.

"Uhhh, Ori-chan, I don't really do girly..."

Tatsuki, the girl who called my name when I spaced out, groaned.

"So? I don't do girly either, but I'm not complaining."

"Come on, Sumitsuki! You never say yes to anything these days!" Chizu told me.

"You haven't hung out with us for a while! The last time was months ago!"

I gasped dramatically, placing a hand on my chest. "How rude!" I huffed. "I hung out Aine for a while when I bumped into her last weekend."

"Kei, I saw you in the shop and we just walked through the park for like five minutes before you left." Aine countered.

I hesitated, before frowning. Damn. I hated when they were right.

I leaned back in my chair, feeling my spine crack as I bent backwards. Ooh, that felt good.

"Come on, Keiko. Loosen up a bit!" Orihime told me. I frowned, furrowing my eyebrows.

Then suddenly, she blinked, eyes growing wide.

"Oh god, please don't." I moaned. She just came closer, pouting slightly.

"Ori-Chan, please...!"

"Ke-i-ko-chan?" Orihime sounded out, eyes sparkling.

No, I couldn't fall t-

Oh god, now she's crying!

I whimpered, staring into those will-weakening eyes,  before I reluctantly grumbled an agreement. Damn it, I thought, as they cheered.

"Great!" Tatsuki smiled. "Should we swing by your house?"

I shook my head, waving away their questions.

"No, no, its okay!" I told them, laughing slightly. "It'd be better if I meet you all at Orihime's." They all looked wary, but I quickly told them, "It's okay, I'll bring loads of snacks, okay?"

"Okay!" They smiled. I gave a.sheepish grin back as the bell finally rang, all the students, packing up their things.

"Alright, I gotta go! My parents want me home quick, we're going out." I slung my backpack onto one of my arms and scuttled out of the classroom. I quickly jogged through the corridor, nearly running into the infamous ginger haired kid.

"Sorry, Kurosaki!" I called out, before running down the stairs to my locker.

"Be careful, Sumitsuki!" He yelled at me and I rolled my eyes. I reaches my locker and punched in the combination, before pulling out my skates, pushing my indoor shoes back in.

"Hey, Keiko!" I looked up to see a small blond waving at me from outside. He wore skates similar to mine and his eyes were a glowing violet. My beloved twin brother.

We were close, staying together for our lives. We were inseparable, refusing to stay apart for longer than a few hours. We were both the same looking, but had contrasting personalities: Rei was loud and cocky, I was shy and friendly.

"Ah, Rei!" I called, putting on my helmet. I skated over to him, weaving through the students and high fiving his outstretched hand.

We then linked arms and started to skate home.

"Hey. How was your day?" I asked sweetly.

"Not bad. I messed around with Dachi and the others. Oh, we got our nationals results back. I came fifteenth!"

"Oh, Reiko, that's amazing! You're gonna get in an amazing college one day," I told him, nudging his side. He wobbled slightly, but I quickly settled him. We carried on silently.

He suddenly grinned at me. "How were the girls?"

I groaned, glaring at him.

"You know how. I love them to.bits, but they asked me to stay with them again. I'm going to Ori-chan's for a sleepover tomorrow."

Rei frowned. "Will it be okay?" He began to slow down as we turned a corner, looking at me with worried eyes.

I gave a small smile.

"Hey, no worries. It'll be fine. I'll either sneak out or get permission to."

"Kei... You know how he is." I flinched at his words, trying to push away the thoughts rising up.

We didn't like to think of our personal life outside of the house. It was a touchy subject. We both knew what would happen behind closed doors, and we would prefer to not remember.

The number of times I looked at Rei and cried for him was too many.

I sighed wearily, focusing on the route.

"Rei please. Not now. I don't want to get in an accident." He hesitated, then saw my expression and quietened down.

That's another thing. We could sense the other's feelings.

We carried on, roller skating to the 'house'.

Our arms stayed linked.


Hello there! Miss Munchie here, hope you enjoy this series of mine! Please Like, Follow and Comment if you like my work, it'll be a great help!

See ya~

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