Donnie Does Not Rock Machines (At the Moment)

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If you've noticed Baron Draxum is certainly not in the tags, then you're correct. I decided to take him out of this story, as for 1. I cannot write his character for shit.

2. He is not too relevant anyways in this story.

Anyways, just pretend the lads on vacation for a year or something.

CW: Panic Attack


Donnie is relieved to be back safely at home, the beeping of the monitors keeping Leo stable being the only thing keeping him awake. He's been in a rush, working on Raph and Leo for any medical injuries, inexperienced due to the lack of prior training. Leo was the medic, after all. Don is just tech support. Mikey tried to help, but soon passed out due to how much energy it took to open that portal.

Donnie had to learn everything on the go, mostly on the way back to the lair, checking his tablet to read on any clinical information. Leo would help, if he was awake during any of the bandagings of course (he wasn't). Donnie felt his eyes drifting shut yet again as he pried them back open, determined to make sure Leo was okay. He wasn't going to let him flatline why he was passed out, of course! He sighs as he adjusted the glasses taped to his head, mask askew and dark eyebags forming underneath his eyes. They've been there countless times before, this time was no different. Staying up to work on a project, in a sense.

Leo jerks in his sleep and Donnie swears he jumped at least a mile when Leo did so. Zoning out did that to someone, huh? Donnie groans as he checks his phone to see what time it was, eyes blinking away the harsh light of the screen.

3:32 A.M

It was late. He needed more coffee. Donnie begrudgingly gets up from his very uncomfortable chair (it was a stool) and heads toward the kitchen, ready to brew up a new batch of coffee. This was at least the second batch, he's sure of it. On his way to the kitchen, his left arm gives a phantom throb, his throat seeming more parched than it did a moment before. No fear, he's glad that he was already planning on getting something to drink. He finally makes it to the kitchen with what feels like hours, hands shaking to press the buttons on the coffee machine.

Wait, since when did his hands start shaking? He shakes his head, his breathing running faster. Shit, what was happening? He grabs a hold of the counter, trying to keep himself grounded. Another throb went up his arm, much more painful than before. He grits his teeth, the world trying to spin and distort itself around him. Donnie furrowed his brow in concentration, trying to go over any major damages he could have gotten. Merging with the Technodrome? Possibly. Although that's mostly on his shell, it would have nothing to do with his arm.

Most of the stuff after he was torn away from the sickly tendrils was a blur to him. He gags at the thought, then he feels whatever pizza he ate earlier start to rise up through him. He stumbles his way to the garbage can, managing to make it before he hurls. Donnie stayed like that for a while, slumped over the can, trying to recollect his thoughts again. It had to be in the main battle.

His eyes widened.

Internal bleeding. Internal bleeding in his left arm, due to the attempt of trying to protect him and Mikey but failing, the Kraang hitting him straight in the arm, the force field he created not helping. He remembers the pain now. Shit, shit shit! How dumb could he be?! Of course there would be internal bleeding after a blow like that.

"Dumb dumb. Stupid dumb dumb." Donnie mumbled to himself, chastising himself, slowly getting up from his position to grab his coffee. He pours it into a mug, slowly heading back to the med bay, only slightly faster than before. He needs to get over there before the bleeding worsens. Fuck, it most likely has already. It's been hours. He feels sweaty, clammy as he finally reaches back, ready to start healing himself when–

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