Vindi x Bryan 🍋

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(This chapter is lemon/smut so if your unconscious with that I suggest that you don't read this story) 18+
This chapter will include
Bryan: Top
Vindy: Bottom
Love Bites
Anal sex
If you are uncomfortable with any of that do not read.
Bryan's pov
I'm sitting in the elevator going up to Vindi's Office. I'm going to try to tell him how I feel. "AM I REALLY DOING THIS??? What if he doesn't feel the same!!?? What if he fires me for this??" I shout in my head as the elevator stops. I step in to his office as quietly as possible.

"What do I do about my problem?" Vindi muttered to himself. I step up behind him with no sound to indicate I did so "Idk, I do think you need a break though" I Said as I put a loving hand on his shoulder "AAAAAAHHH BRYAN!!! How did you-" Vindi screams confused at my subnet aperies behind him. "Oh sorry Vindi I didn't mean to scare you" I apologize taking step back from Vindi. I see Vindi frantically cover his crotch with a pillow "why did you put a pillow on your????" I question " it-I ummmmmmm" Vindi seemed to stink at the question even with his hight over me he seemed small " are you ok Vindi?" I said concerned taking a few steps tore him as he backed away from me eventually his back hitting the wall and there I saw how red if face was " gods Vindy are you ok! Your face is red!" I said concerned.

No one's pov
Vindi grabbed Bryan and Threw him on a couch "oof what the hell Vin-" Bryan manages to says before Vindi pined him grinding his knee in to Bryan's dick causing Bryan to moan at the sensation. "V-innnNDdiii~ mMmmhh" the brunet continued to moaned as Vindi continued to grind in to him
" Bryan are you ok with me dooinnggg? I'm sorry Bryan I-I" Vindi said with gilt in his eyes "No I'm ok darling your fine just give me a warning next time sweetheart, ok" Bryan whisper in to Vindi's ear as he pushed the blonde on his back as to take control of the now steamy situation "o-ok llloovvee???" he said questing the nickname as he said it. Bryan then prosecuted to kiss, suck and bite on Vindi's neck and upper chest As well as unbuttoning the others shirt casing there to be hickeys to cover the blond's entire neck and upper body.

" are you ok? Would you like to go farther Vindi ?" Bryan questions not dare in to use a pet name " YES! uhm, yes I'm ok, you can go farther" Vindi answers with a gasp at the end as the brunette fond their sweet spot digging his teeth into it. Vindy's shirt was finally fully unbuttoned and was promptly thrown to the side and Bryan's shirt fallowed. "May I my, love" Bryan said as he slipped his hand in Vindy's pants. "Y-yes just StoP teSssing mE" Vindy pleaded with a cracking voice clawing at the others Back.

Then brunette ripped of Vindy's pants and boxers along with his own pants and boxers and his shirt to and threw them with the rest of the discarded clothing, " do you have lube??"   "I think I might in the back pocket of my pants, sorry" Vindy muttered "it's ok I'll go get it" Bryan said sliding off Vindi quickly questioning to himself why Vindi would have lube in his pocket but brushed it, he grabbed the bottle of lude and jumped back on Vindi . "I kinda thought that I would be t-the top" the blond proclaimed trying to push Bryan off and take control of the situation but to no avail, Vindy was not a small man but he was not nearly as strong as Bryan, who made, worked and fixed 10,000pound robots all day, Vindy was left breathing heavy on his back and a little mad.

"sweaty, I'm sorry but I don't think you could be stronger than me. Sad but true, love" Bryan said leaning over picking up Vindy by his chin and bringing Vindy's face closer to his. Kissing Vindy and propping his back on the side of the couch and spreading his legs. Pulling away from the kiss and spreading lude on his fingers and... other places.

Then Sticking a finger in the man under him and earning gasps and moans as he slowly and carefully moving one then two then threes fingers in and out of the blond man "fffffFUck MorE please Brrryaan!!" Vindi preachily yelled wanting Bryan to go faster or harder or anything. and Bryan gladly obliged trusting his fingers into and out of Vindi much faster than before.

Bryan eventually stopped, feeling Vindi was ready for him, when he pulled out his fingers, Vindi whimpered with the loss of the sensation, he had been so very close.
" your so pretty" Bryan whispered in to Vindi's ear and lining up with his hole
Bryan ever so slowly pushed it in carefully to let Vindi adjust to him, the darker male was loving it, the other on the other hand was getting inpatient, even with this pleaser he was in.

"Fuck it" Vindy said in a monotone-ish voice as he wanted control of the situation now. He tripped the other so he was sitting on the darker man, this startled Bryan making him let it happen. He also wanted to see we're this went, he had never the dominate one in bed no mater how hard he tried to be. Vindy started bouncing himself up and down slowly groaning and moaning in the process of doing so. He started go fast making Bryan moan and groan along side him. Bryan tried to quiet himself with a pillow but Vindy threw the pillow across the room preventing him from doing so " No! I want to hear you scream~" Vindy hissed pulling Bryan up by his chin looking him dead in the eyes.
: Bryan's pov :
'That was probably the single hottest thing I've ever heard him say' I thought to myself eyes wide with shock yet my cheeks were a deep red, hell my whole face was red at that point. "And I want to hear you scream and moan as I smash in and out of you" I blurted out grabbing him and pushing him back down to where he was before, earning a moan in the process. "I 'huff' ok. Your hot" Vindi managed to say before I pulled him into a more comfortable position and started pounding into him "Aaaahhh~ shhhit oh gods yessss hmmm~" Vindi moaned, groaning and humming with pleasure and then I found it "Oh AAAHH~ shit yea right there fuck AAHHK" Vindi screamed as I found his prostate and passioned my self to hit that exact spot. And I did over and over again the whole office was filled with the sounds of slapping skin and Vindi moans as I rallied him his red face pushed him the couch's arm rest my hand gripping his sweaty hips, we were both covered in sweat and panting. " hhoolly shhhit aaah~ I'm so 'huff' close" the man underneath me panted out gripping the side of the couch his knuckles turning white. "Mmm me to" I said huffing, I grabbed his sides and flipped him over and his arms flew around me his hands now clawed at my back, I knew there would definitely be marks later but I didn't care I needed this I needed him. I was still pounding in and out of him and I grabbed his dick stroking it at the same pace my hips were going, after a minute I felt it almost impossible to keep it in I knew I was getting sloppier then I would like to. I want him to go first, and he did finally him tense up around me and the now puddle in my and his stomach, everything went white and I could feel myself drooling and finally everything relaxed. Blinking a few time I finally got my vision back.

Sorry for the pov change I needed to :Vindi :
After I felt him squirt his warmth into me after a second he kinda just stopped moving altogether I assumed he was tired because he was sweating and breathing heavy, but so was I. I also noticed he was drooling weird but oh well. He kinda shook his head a bunch and looked back at me, like actually looked at me not like he was before, before he was just looking through me like he wasn't even there. I felt him slowly pull out of me I arched my back at the sudden friction, " oohhhh~ shhhit *huff* hehe" I groaned out as he finished pulling out a trail of thick white liquid fallowed slowly spilling out of me, ' that will surely leave a stain' I thought still huffing and puffing because of the 'Activity' I just partook-in.
"Are you ok m-my love" Bryan said picking me up "yes I'm fine in fact I'm great right now" I spat out trying to reassure him, I put my hands up to his face and just, held him. It felt like I was holding the world in my hand, even if my world was really sweaty right now I didn't care at this point I loved him more then words could describe, more then even I could could try to understand. And I just held him and he held me, everything else was forgotten as I looked into his magnificent cinnamon Brown eyes I could look into them for hours if could. He was just so gentle with me and I don't know way and it kinda like it that way. I was so distracted I didn't even notice the bing of the elevator door

(Sorry for leaving off on a cliff hanger but thank you so much for reading this far any how if you want more just request it )
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