Chapter 23: I Still Love You

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____ POV'S:
After what happened I met Robby, he didn't left?

-Robby? I thought you were gone.

-I was changing and I needed to take some air.

-Oh, well I was going to Kyler's house, he will have a party. Do you want to go?

-Yes but first I must do something.

-Then I'll go with you.

Upon arriving at the old Cobra Kai dojo, now they will be in a new one and there will be new locations. We entered and we met the Sensei Lawrence.

-I think I will leave you alone, you better have privacy.

I went outside and waited for a few minutes until they both left.

-Let's go-said Robby-

I got up and I managed to notice that he cried, apparently something good happened.

-Are you okay?

-Yes. Now let's go to that party.

We got in my car and drove to Kyler's house. Upon arrival we both got out of the car and entered the house.

-The Queen Cobra has arrived!-Kyler shouted, making me smile-

-Apparently you already stayed with the legacy of Queen Cobra-said Tory-

-Yeah-I said walking to the kitchen looking for something to eat-

-What happens?

-I saw something that I didn't like just that.

-Do you want to talk about that?-I denied-

We joined the others and after at least an hour I started to get bored. I looked at my hands in which the keys were. I was happy here, but I must go home.

-Guys I must go now. If you do any other celebration, let me know.

I started walking outside Kyler's house and before getting in the car someone spoke.

-Where are you going?-Robby spoke-


-What's wrong with you?-He approached me-

-Nothing, Robby.

-___ Don't lie to me, please. Tell me what happens to you.

-Silver paid the referee to win the tournament. I thought it was good enough.

-I know you're good, but I also know that this is not about that-he said and brought his hands to my cheeks-

-I know you don't care about Eli. I will not tell you.

-I don't care about him-he kept silence for a second- but I do care about you.

I looked at him and my eyes met with his. I knew that glow, I had seen that glow before. It's the brightness Eli has when he sees me.

-Eli kissed my best friend. On the day of the dance I thought I would have a chance with him again but I see that no or at least I think so.

- Forget about that, I know you still love him and it hurts. Believe me I have been through that.

-Sam, right? -He nodded- -On time you will realize that he lost the best girl he has ever met. A champion of karate and the most beautiful of the Miller's

-Are you flirting with me?

-Nice try-I smiled-


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