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Someone needs to explain to me, how I found myself with this bunch of idiots who are so fiesty, fierce, uncouth and simply intolerable!

I really wanted to do Business but thanks to my dad, who wanted me to become an Engineer, I found myself in this faculty instead. I was still ok with everything until I realised I had to take part in this manic orientation cum team bonding/building crap called Sotus. If Engineering modules don't kill me, Sotus will. Or specifically my head hazer Forth and his stupid side kicks Lam and Park.

I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time as we ran laps around the school field. Nobody would know or realise. I took my time to run slowly. I happily dreamt away as I ran, taking my own sweet time. But slowly, I realized everyone was still running. What the fuck was going on? I know Posh had definitely completed his rounds so why was he still running?

I was perplexed and came to a stop but Forth threw a bottle at me and I continued. I finished off my rounds and that's when everyone stopped too. We all stood in line, everyone panting like a dog, more so than me.

Forth just stared at me as he issued the closing instructions and on what time to report the following day. He threw me a final dirty glare, whispered something to Lam and walked off. I was about to walk off when Lam stopped me.

"Nong, stay back. I need to speak to you."

I flinched at his cold curt voice. I turned to look at Lam.

"Everyone will report at 8am tomorrow. But you will report at 5am to do an additional 20 rounds before everyone else is in."

"P! Why do I have to do it?! I finished my rounds today!"

"You finished your 20 rounds today. But what you don't realize is everyone ran an additional 15 rounds whilst waiting for you to finish. The first rule of Sotus is no one is left alone and we mean no one. Don't look far. Look at your own friend Posh. He ended his rounds way earlier bit he still kept on running. Why?! You think he has nothing better to do. Because he remembered the fucking rule and motto of Sotus: no one is left alone. Everyone ran to keep you company Ming. It's only fair you returned it back."


"You are dismissed Nong. I have nothing further to tell you. Come at 5am sharp."

With that Lam walked away, leaving me gobsmacked. I was stunned. I left the hall, walking out feeling both angry with him for the way he spoke and dismissed me but also confused feeling if I really did inconvenience everyone else. I saw Posh waiting outside for me.

"Hey is everything ok?

"Yea.. Posh, why did you run so much earlier? You were done way earlier than me dude.."

"Dude, we don't leave one another in Sotus. Plus even if not Sotus, I am still not going to leave you behind. I know you are struggling with Sotus but know I am always here for you too na?"

"But.. everyone else also ran with me..

"That's the Sotus spirit man! Amazing right? We knew you were struggling with the laps so it's our way of making sure you finish it too."

I kept quiet, feeling extremely bad. I wasn't running slow because I was struggling with the runs. In fact I did it because I wasn't committed. My heart and mind wasn't on the run at all. I felt extremely bad knowing everyone else had suffered because of me.

Posh had to go because he was meeting Wai. I nodded and let him go off. Meanwhile, I slowly made my way to the dorm. As I was heading back, I saw P Lam at the minimart, buying some stuff. I watched as he loaded packs of lozenges, balms, painkillers and snacks into the trolley and paid for it.

Wow, I knew he could be a big eater but really? That many? I just watched as he paid for it all and left, not realising I was watching him from afar.

The next day, I reported at 5.15am, running late. Lam was already at the grounds waiting for me. Being late, he added 5 more runs to my existing 20. I wanted to argue but Posh and the rest came to mind and I nodded tersely. I started off and finished everything exactly at 8am sharp.

At 8am, I reported with the rest. They put us through another gruelling day. By the time we ended, it was 4pm. Before we were finished, P Park handed out some care packs for the weekend so we can make use of it knowing it would be very much welcomed. We took the packs, thanked them and left. As I was walking out, I looked at it and realized it was full of stuff P Lam had yesterday; some lozenges, painkillers, balms, snacks and Gatorade.

I looked at it for a while and then ran back to the hall. Only P Forth was there. I gulped in silence wondering if I wanted to ask him.

"Yes Nong?"

"P.. the care packs.. "

"Yes, what about it?"

"The items.. you bought it for us?"

"That's from P Lam. He does it every year for the juniors, out of his own pocket. He said its hard enough and he knows the first month is especially so, so this is something he does for you guys."

"Oh.. thank you P and.. sorry about yesterday."

"It's ok Nong. I know this isn't your first choice but I hope you will learn to see the beauty of it."

I nodded and left. As I was walking back, I looked at the care pack again and images of P Lam filling the trolley and buying the stuff floated to mind. He must have easily spent over a few hundred baht.

Suddenly, I didn't feel so deserving of it. Neither his kindness nor the Engineering spirit.

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