Part 15

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Gauri looks at him as she remembered and asks him, "Omkara... why did your father try to kill me?"
"Tej Uncle?" Omkara asks her in shock not understanding what she meant by that.

"I saw him. He was driving... the car." Gauri whispers to him with great difficulty.

Why would Tej Uncle try to kill Gauri? Could Gauri be hallucinating?

"He was going to hit me again when people intervened." Gauri tells him.

Oh God! He really tried to kill Gauri? but why? What did Gauri ever do to him?

"We have to take her in now." the nurse informs Omkara.

Omkara nods and he gently kisses Gauri and tells her "Gauri.... you are going to be fine. Nothing is going to happen to you."

"You are here. Nothing will happen to us." Gauri tells him smiling.

Omkara was momentarily shocked and filled with guilt hearing her trust in him, and he had almost didn't trust her. he had thought she had betrayed him.

"I am sorry, it took me a while to realize the truth." Omkara tells her with tears.

"You trust me now. That is enough for me."

"I love you, Gauri." Omkara tells her as he caressed her before she could tell him of her love she was wheeled away.

Omkara stood back watching the door close then he turns around to go see Tej Oberoi.

"Mr Oberoi." A nurse calls him as she hurried behind him.

"What happened?" Omkara asks worried as he stopped in fear. "She is fine, right?"

"Yes... please sign the consent form."

"Consent form?" Omkara asks confused.

"Yes, it basically says that you understand that her condition is critical and that the loss of blood could lead to a miscarriage and if it becomes necessary to go in for an abortion then we can go ahead with it."

Omkara stops in shock as he looked at the consent form.

What the hell was he going to do? Go and take revenge from Tej Oberoi? Going to avenge Gauri and their baby? When Gauri and their baby, a baby for whom he had been craving for seven long years was fighting for their life, to stay alive, who were in that condition because he had doubted Gauri for the most critical hours of their lives? How could he even think of Tej Oberoi when his Gauri and their baby were on an operating table? He should be here, he should be with Gauri when she wakes up not anywhere else.

"Mr Oberoi?"

Without a word, he takes the consent form and signs it.

Two hours later, Omkara was in Gauri's room tired waiting for them to bring her to her room.

Rudra turns on the news and Omkara tired looks up to see the flash news of Tej Oberoi's arrest for murder attempt on Omkara Singh Oberoi's fiance and unborn child.

"How many times are you going to watch this?" Omkara asks Rudra irately.

Rudra turns off the TV without a word. "You know why I did it, don't you?" Rudra asks him.

"So, I won't kill him?" Omkara asks him.

"He is my father." Rudra explains.

"I know, Rudra."

"I am sorry, Om." Rudra tells him guiltily.

"For handing over your father to police instead of letting me kill him?" Omkara asks him before Rudra could reply Omkara tells him, "If I had seen him, I would have killed him for what he did to Gauri and our baby but..." Omkara turns to Rudra and honestly tells him, "Thanks for not letting that happen. Gauri deserves better than waiting for me for years to come out of prison. She deserves a happy life."

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