8. The Library

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A/N: Very sorry for the late chapter I've been really busy recently I still hope you all enjoy it ♥♠

Saturday the 7th

Hermione tried to keep the coffee cup steady as she tucked her wand into the back pocket of her jeans.

Her arm shook with the effort.

Ginny was having breakfast early so she could go to quidditch practice, Hermione sat herself down on a small stone seat along the hall.

It was that sweet spot, the time when everyone who arose early was already in the great hall and everyone who slept in on a Saturday morning was still rolling around in bed telling themselves they'd wake up in another ten minutes.

The sweet spot was the perfect time for Hermione Jean Granger to take her painkillers because her arm would not stop aching.

The pain had been insistent since McGonagall told her about the warping wards around the library, she tried to keep it at bay, numb it–but she'd lay awake most of the night her hair and sheets drenched with sweat.

Hermione swallowed the painkiller washing it down with her coffee which she was trying not to splash around–but her arm seemed to have other plans.

She sat there for a few minutes then a few minutes more, her hand shaking instantly sending tremors down her body–that was for having too much coffee but it would go away sooner or later.

Feeling no different after ten minutes she pulled another out.

"I've got the wrong person, huh?"

Hermione froze she couldn't think nor speak there was only cold dread seeping into her skin crawling its way up her veins.

"I must say you've dug yourself into quite a whole Granger."

From the shadows, an alcove that she had never noticed before stepped out Malfoy in grey pants and a green jumper.

She would've rolled her eyes if she wasn't frozen to the spot.

"The evidence really is stacked up against you," he drawled pointing a long pale finger at the painkiller that she was holding in the air, frozen.

She blinked then shoved it back into her pocket and downed the rest of her coffee, she'd need the energy if she was going to strangle him.

She stared at him at a loss for words not quite processing that he'd just seen her about to take a painkiller.

"Fuck off," she narrowed her eyes at him saying the only words that came to mind.

"Has anyone told you that you must work on your manners?" he drawled again leaning against the side of a pillar as if he had all the time in the world.

"Has anyone told you to mind your own business?" she snapped banishing her coffee cup and rising to her feet.

"Well–it's hardly my fault you're partaking in such–such barbaric acts in front of the great hall," he said raising a timid brow.

Hermione didn't quite know what to do as she stood there, the dread was like cold ice traveling up her veins freezing her mind, one thing she did know was that she wanted to slap the smug expression off his face.

"Taking painkillers isn't barbaric, it is an ordinary thing to take people with back problems ta–"

"Do you have back problems?" he asked looking far too satisfied with himself.

"Well no–"

"Then why are you taking them, and at that quantity."

She stared at him, her arms crossed so she could hold her arm to try and ward away the pain that seeped from the letters scrawled across her forearm and realised she didn't have to tell him anything, he had no right to know and no proof that she had a drug problem because she simply didn't have one.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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